Chapter 10

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Today we had what Coach called a 'free day', he said we could do whatever we wanted as long as we were ready for the game tomorrow. So the two packs will be spending today getting to know each other, learning the ins-and-outs of each different species amongst them. 

I woke up first at 5am along with Derek,
"Hey Der," I muttered softly to avoid waking the others,
"Hey kiddo," he responded, not as quietly, "how are you liking LaPush?"
I rolled my eyes, "It's better than I thought it would be, and I'm not mad anymore," he grinned at me, "BUT that doesn't mean I forgive you for shipping me off like you did,"
"It was for your protection!" he exclaimed,
"And that's supposed to make it okay? I'm a werewolf too Derek. I lost everyone just the same as you, I'm not a little kid anymore and you need to accept that, because whether you like it or not, I am just as much apart of this as you and nothing, nothing, will change that."

I turned around to the coffee pot located behind me, quickly switching it relishing the sweet smell that arose from it. My eyes were filled with unshed tears, and I could hear the uneven heartbeat coming from Derek's chest,
"I know," he muttered, "I know you aren't a little kid anymore, and that you can protect yourself, I just," he sighed as I turned to face him, one tear falling down my face, "I wish you didn't have to, I wish you could have grown up living a normal life, with normal people, and not be constantly dragged down by my mess." his confession causing more tears to fall down my face,
"Oh Der, this mess, it isn't your fault, you didn't ask for this life none of us did, but this-" I pointed from him to myself, "this life is who we are, and we need to embrace that, not let it ruin us." 

Derek grabbed me pulling me into a hug, as I felt his tears drip onto my shoulder, knowing mine were doing the same. We didn't pull apart until a soft creak was heard from upstairs, presumably one of the boys work up, based off the change in heartbeat speed, and the noise coming from the spare bedroom. Wiping our eyes, I poured two cups of coffee, me and Derek sitting down pretending nothing had happened, can't lose our badarse persona right?

Authors' Note
I owe you all a massive apology it has been far to long, I am not sure what to do next so if anyone has any suggestions it would be appreciated and you would be acknowledged for your contributions....

Sorry it is so short, it's really just a filler, thank you for reading, voting, commenting, and any ideas <3

Shifter vs Werewolf (teen wolf[a new Hale]/ twilight[Paul Lahote] crossover)Where stories live. Discover now