Chapter 6

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Shout out to LizzieHaines5 for voting on every chapter of this story so far...


As we walked to the gym Leah gave me a run down on all the girls and guys of our school. Basically the cliques. I decided that I would stick with the wolves to be on the safe side, and Isaac can decide for himself.

"Alright class, I want everybody to gather 'round" I was brought out of my thoughts buy a very familiar voice... "Who's that?" I whispered to Leah, "That's Coach Finstock."  she murmured in response, "We have a new student in our class today, Hale come out here." he shouted.

I rolled my eyes and walked out to the front, pushing my way through the crowd of people, "I'm Coach Corey Finstock," His voice boomed, "well Hale, introduce yourself to the class." he ordered, "I'm Nevaeh Hale, I'm from Beacon Hills. I played for my old schools, basketball, lacrosse  track, and cheer teams." I said already annoyed at Bobby's brother. 

"Beacon Hills, you say?" Coach questioned, "Yup, your brother Bobby was my old Coach." I stated in a proud, obnoxious voice. I laughed at his surprised face, "Hale, you said?" he questioned, "Yea. Why?" I sneered, "well I'm sorry about what happened but really just wow! A Hale member taught by me. Looks like the Finstocks always teach the good athletes." He smiled gleefully. 

I sashayed back over to Leah with a smirk on my face, hearing Coach mutter under his breath about hoping I was as good as my brother, Dean or something. "His name is Derek, not Dean." I called to coach.  

P.E was a blast, Coach asked me what school teams I wanted to join, and he even offered me to be captain or co-captain to anything of my choosing so I decided to join Basketball (male family tradition), Cheerleading (female family tradition), and Lacross (because we verse Beacon Hills). Throughout the day I became known as the 'bad-ass new girl' and I so wasn't complaining, me and Leah where best friends, and Issac even made his own group of friends with the football team and Lacross team.

It felt like forever by the time lunch had rolled around, me and Leah basically sprinted out of Advance Calculus, I mean that teacher made me miss Mr. Harris. The lunch room was similar to the gym with all the cliques sitting together, surrounding one table in the middle of the cafeteria, according to Leah it was the designated popular table, meaning it belonged to the pack. I skipped getting food because it all smelt like a graveyard and bleach.

I strutted to the boys table and sat down whilst they grabbed a mountain full of food, everyone stared as the sat down, ignoring the idiots I turned to Leah with a smile and said, "Qué clase qué mi niño lobo tiene ahora?",(What class does my wolf boy have next?) she smirked at me before saying "We all have music next..." the guys looked over to us, "Paul is actually... the um.. lead singer.." Seth stuttered out. I smiled at Seth, before tilting my head in Paul's direction, "Are you now? I am always female lead." I smirked at him, his gleaming smile blinded me as a response "Well that's a good thing thing then, because it means we will be duet partners."

Everyone else slowly drifted off into their own conversations whilst me and Paul stared at eachother, partially waiting to see which wolf would submit first and partially due to the mate/imprint thing. Paul looked away first when the bell rang and slowly we both stood gathering our stuff and walking to music together.


(Song is 'I Want You To Know' preformed by Alyson Stoner and Max Schneider)

When me and Paul finally made it to music the rest of the class was already patiently sitting down, talking among themselves, out front their was a youngish teacher sitting, she sat up slightly straighter, "Hello Paul, you know if you weren't such a good singer, I would give you detention..." the teacher sassed, Paul just smiled at her, "And you must be Miss. Hale, I hope this won't be a habit of yours, it's bad enough with him." She gestured to Paul. I chuckled a little "Of course not Ma'am", she rolled her eyes slightly but my smile didn't falter "Perhaps you would like to sing a song for the class?" She asked, well more like demanded, "Of course Ma'am, it would be my pleasure," I hissed. Turning to Paul I whispered a song into his ear, quickly sitting down at the keyboard I set up two microphones and Paul came and sat beside me.

Together we sang in harmony as I played the simple, sweet melody. Our voices went together like wolves and the moon. And as the final notes played, I looked up at Paul to see his eyes already trained on my face, my heart raced and I could feel my self shifting, my emotions over powering my self control. I forced a smile before racing out of the class, leaving behind many very confused students, and a few stunned wolves.

I ran around the woods alone for the next few hours hoping tomorrow would be a better day...   

Shifter vs Werewolf (teen wolf[a new Hale]/ twilight[Paul Lahote] crossover)Where stories live. Discover now