Chapter 3

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I couldn't believe the word as it cam out of my mouth. I felt my control slipping as I shifted, I knew what was happening the she-wolf inside me, the other part of me wanted out, she wanted to be free. She wanted her mate to see her for what she really was. A wolf. My concentration was broken when I heard Isaac's voice "Nea, listen to me, do you have your triskelion  Do you have it?" His voice rose gradually increasing, as did the oncoming storm, slowly I nodded my head gripping a hold of the pendant that lay on my neck. It was a gift from Laura, she used it to teach me control, "Say it. Okay?" Isaac demanded, "Say the mantra. Say it with me. Alpha, beta, omega." He said, I breathed deeply before joining, "Alpha, beta, omega. Alpha, beta, omega." his voice faded as he left me to go on my own, "Alpha. Beta. Omega." I was growling by now barely holding on, keeping control. "ALPHA. BETA. OMEGA." I roared, my cry echoed through the forest as I finally started to regain control over my wolf. 

"What just happened?" Questioned the alpha, Sam, "I don't know, and I don't care, that was awesome. YES." chimed the beta, I think his name was Quil? He reminded me a lot of Stiles. I looked directly into Sam's eyes as I spoke up, "My species does this thing, it's called mating for lack of a better word. It's extremely rare, so I don't know much about it, but my brother and uncle know more about this stuff so they can explain it. But what you saw happening is called shifting it's the process we go through to change into our wolf forms whenever we want and on full moons." I explained, "Maybe," Sam began, "We should organise a meeting, between our pack and elders and those of you who are currently here?" he offered.

I nodded my head accepting his offer, "Tonight at 8pm, come to this address." he said typing an address into my phone, I nodded once again, "Thank you, we will come and we will also Skype the rest of us from back home for you." 

After our conversation Sam pointed us in the direction of our house and we went our separate ways. It took no more than 10 minutes to race back, in the house is where we found Chris. Almost everything was set up already, I guess we where gone longer than we thought. "We need to talk." I told him. The three of us sat together on the couch as I explained the days events. 

Two hours had passed and it that time I had explained everything to Argent who called Derek and told him almost everything. The only think Derek doesn't know yet is that I found my mate.  "Well it's 1930 now so we should probably head over there now." Sighed Argent. Standing I gathered my pre-packed bag containing my family history, bestiary and laptop. 

Together we walked out the door, Isaac dressed in his signature scarf, Argent packed with fully loaded weapons, and me in my white crop top, white short shorts, heels and black leather jacket. We looked like one of those trios you see in high school movies the way we where dressed. But inside I knew we where all preparing for a fight, if it came to that.

All I could do now is hope that isn't what it came to.

Shifter vs Werewolf (teen wolf[a new Hale]/ twilight[Paul Lahote] crossover)Where stories live. Discover now