Chapter 4

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Walking up to the little red house I saw about 20 people maybe more, my heart rate started to rise as my anger grew. I stormed over to Sam who was near a fire just out side the house, "I thought you said just your pack and the elders!" I snarled, I may have forgot to mention you but just because I am a werewolf from birth doesn't mean I don't have any problems. A lot of born wolves have variations of anger issues, but in saying that as we get older a lot are taught by the parents how to control it. I didn't get the luxury of learning to control it, and the cherry on the cake? I am an I.E.D kid.

Sam snarled back at me, "I brought my pack, our version of your 'mate', our elders, and the residing coven of vampires who live across the lake." He took a deep breath through his nose "That is what we need to discuss with you. The wolves, and vampires have a treaty, we stay to our side and they stick to theirs, with a few exceptions." My snarling and growling slowly calmed down but my eyes remained blue and my claws stayed out.

I was snapped out of my trance when Chris cleared his throat, "Maybe we should get this meeting started?" his voice full of authority. Sam nodded as a man who looked around the same age as Chris rolled out, in his wheelchair, from between the crowd of wolves, "My name is Billy Black, I am the Chief of the LaPush tribe. These are the fellow council members, Old Quil, and Sue. You have already meet the pack and they will introduce you to their imprints."

Sam then nodded to Billy before speaking up again, "This is my imprint Emily, over there is Jared's imprint Kim, this is Quil's imprint Claire, and that is Jacob's imprint Renesmee." I stood there confused, thinking to myself 'what the hell is an imprint' and apparently I'm not the only one who thought so, Chris's voice interrupted my thoughts, "What is an imprint?", Paul cleared his throat "An imprint, isn't really like love at first sight, it's like you see her and nothing else matters. You'd be anything, do anything for her." He explained, Isaac looked to me and we scrunched our faces up in disgust, "But Claire and Renesmee are just kids! That's disgusting." Isaac spoke up.

I saw half the pack roll their eyes and the other half suppressed their chuckles, Paul sighed "Its not like that for them," he elaborated "Until they are older and ready for a relationship it's a brother-sister relationship, they are just a friend or protector, a shoulder to cry on." 

I screwed my face up again, "That's still nasty." Isaac coughed trying to cover up his laughter. Unfortunately for me I received glares from almost everyone else, I cleared my throat "Anyway..." I drawled out "Introductions, treaties, meeting my pack??" I said trying to get everything back on track.

A tall man with pale skin, golden eyes and blonde hair started talking next, "I am Carlisle, this is my wife Esme, and our children for all intensive purposes Alice, Emmett, Edward, Rosalie and Jasper." I nodded. 

During the time of introductions and awkward conversations Chris had pulled out my laptop and set up Skype with the guys from back home, "So this is my pack," I stated, "that's Derek, he is my brother, that's my uncle Peter, then that's Stiles, he's human, there is Scott, alpha, next to Stiles is Malia  she's a were-coyote, that's Lydia, she's a banshee, over there is Kira, she's a Kitsune and that, well actually I don't who they are?" I said feeling slightly confused and slightly like an idiot. From the other end I heard Derek chuckle, "This is Liam, he is Scott's first beta, and this" Derek grew a massive smile on his face grabbing the girls hand, "this is Breaden, and fyi little sister, she's my girlfriend."

I squealed, quite loudly might I add, causing most of the guys here and back home to hunch over covering their ears, I started jumping and dancing around, filled with joy, I heard laughter all around me but I couldn't careless, at least that was until I felt warm arms encircle my waist. I instantly calmed and a smile graced my face. I was happy and serene, at least until I heard Derek's voice that is.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?" He roared, "I leave you for not even a week and this, this is what happens..." I could tell he was fuming I hoped this didn't end badly.. 

"Der?" I whispered, "It's not like that Der." I looked up at the screen dead into his eyes, "He's my mate, Derek you know we can't control it." I prepared for the worst, my eyes shut tight, and back pushing up against Paul's chest, "And she's my imprint." I heard Paul tell his tribe and my pack.

It was silent after these confessions until Isaac spoke up to rescue me from this awkwardness, "Well it's late, and we have school in the morning, so Derek we will see you in a month," he shut the laptop lid "and we will see you guys around." with that final word, he grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

The last thing I heard was Paul whisper a soft "Goodnight beautiful." 

Shifter vs Werewolf (teen wolf[a new Hale]/ twilight[Paul Lahote] crossover)Where stories live. Discover now