Chapter 2

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The car ride was excruciatingly painful Chris made us keep repeating our mostly true cover story until we arrived at the new house. It was conveniently located inside the forest, meaning me and Isaac had plenty of space to run and shift. Argent had set up a cellar underneath the house for nights of the full moon to keep me and Isaac restrained.

Apparently since today is Sunday, me and Isaac have to go to school tomorrow, I mean come on, not only did we just move here but we have to start school straight away!! Unfair! So in the mean time Isaac and I decided that if Chris is making us go to school we will make him set up the house all alone while we go exploring. Although now I'm starting to think that was a bad idea, considering we are completely and utterly, undeniably lost.

"I am never trusting your senses again." I said to Isaac, "Come on," he whined back, with puppy dog eyes "it's not that bad. Can't you just sniff our way out?" he questioned, I chortled, "Why don't you? Besides incase you hadn't noticed it's raining the water washed away our scent and the breeze would have spread it out anyway." I retorted.

Pulling out his phone Isaac checked for a signal, frowning when he received nothing. I sighed defeatedly "Come on," I said "we have to keep moving." In the distance I could hear what sounded like panting, accompanied by the sound of heavy feet padding alone the ground. My survival instincts kicked in and I dragged Isaac along beginning to run. My teeth grew into canines, my nails grew into claws, and my eyes glowed a vibrant blue, I could sense Isaac shifting as well.

We had only been running for mere minutes when I heard the howl of a wolf, one too start with then more came, eventually it sounded like there where at least 7 of them, maybe even more. The sound of paws hitting the ground grew closer to us and I prepared my self for the worst kneeling down towards the ground, I placed one hand into the soft mud, my claws raking through the mud as I felt where the wolves where coming from.

Looking up from the ground I saw 8, 9... 10 wolves standing in a triangular shape, standing tall at the front was a pitch black wolves, his eyes bore deep into mine as a low growl rumbled from deep in his chest. I bared my canines at him, growling defensively back. I could tell something was different about these wolves, they where too large to be regular and their behaviour wasn't that of a wolf but more so a human.

Without lowering my guard I rose from the ground, "What are you?" the question spat from between my teeth. I watched as two of the wolves, the Alpha and my guess second in command retreated into the forest, moments later two tall buff men appeared wearing only a pair of cut off shorts. You could tell the rank of each member based off where they stood and their posture. It was clear who the alpha was as he spoke "My name is Sam Uley, this is my pack and you are on our territory." He stated with a booming voice, "My name is Nevaeh Hale, this is Isaac, we're sorry for coming onto your lands we weren't aware of there being a pack in the area. Me and Isaac are werewolves, I was born, he was bitten. We moved here with a werewolf hunter, he only hunts killers, we could no longer live in our home town as too many supernatural creatures are dying over there my brother sent me here with Isaac and the hunter, Chris for my protection," I took a second to breath, "I hope we can live with each other without any issues. We will happily offer any help you may need as well." I negotiated in a way only a Hale can.

His smile showed despite his efforts to keep it concealed, "I'm sure that can be arranged," he turned his head to his pack ordering them to shift back and come introduce themselves, out walked 7 extremely buff men and one lonesome girl, "these are my pack, at the back that's Leah, then to her right is her brother Seth, then we've got Embry and Quil, over to my other side are Colin and Brady, that's Jared and the these two are my second in commands Jake and Paul." As he said the names of his pack I looked at each of them directly in the eye to show I wasn't afraid and to memorise their faces.

When he reached the last boy Paul I felt my eyes glow their vibrant shade of neon blue as I growled out a word I thought I would never say......


Shifter vs Werewolf (teen wolf[a new Hale]/ twilight[Paul Lahote] crossover)Where stories live. Discover now