Chapter 7

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Together we sang in harmony as I played the simple, sweet melody. Our voices went together like wolves and the moon. And as the final notes played, I looked up at Paul to see his eyes already trained on my face, my heart raced and I could feel my self shifting, my emotions over powering my self control. I forced a smile before racing out of the class, leaving behind many very confused students, and a few stunned wolves.
I ran around the woods alone for the next few hours hoping tomorrow would be a better day...

I had been running in the forest for heaven knows how long now. My heart was finally slowing down and I was regaining control of my emotions, I know Laura wouldn't've been happy with how easy it was for me to slip up and lose control, but I'm still just a cub. I never actually finished learning to control my wolf, mum and dad died when I was too young, and then Laura, and Derek is too busy with Cora. Plus nobody trusts Peter...
I ran back to Argent's house, out of breath, my claws now looking like normal nails, and teeth no longer fangs designed to kill. My eyes however still glowed there flourescent blue colour.
I had been 'home' for a whole of 30 minutes and already wanted to leave. Isaac had gone and told Argent all about me leaving school and running around the forest, but what they don't understand is that if I hadn't someone could of gotten seriously hurt and I wasn't about to take that risk.
I growled feeling my fangs and claws growing again, I was soo over this speech about being normal.
I stood up, the chair I had been sitting on in the dining room falling down behind me, snarling I finally snapped, "We aren't normal!" I felt like I could just bit him now, just to prove my point, "Does this look normal? Did Alison have claws and fangs?" I growled out.
Yes it was a low blow bringing up his dead daughter but it's not like I wanted to move here in the first place anyway. I was against the idea from the start. I walked out of the house slamming the door behind me and took off back into the forest.
Every now and then I would come across one of the pack and they would follow me for a few minutes until I snarled at them, then they'd back off and go back to whatever it was they were doing.
I probably ran for about an hour or two before I couldn't run anymore. I climbed up a random tree deciding to spend my night outside in the nature...  


 The next morning I woke up to the sound of loud chatter, and laughter. Looking around I couldn't help the confusion that smothered me I feel asleep in a tree last night, and now I'm in a house? In someone's bed?

I slowly moved off the warm bed, goosebumps climbing up my arms and legs in protest. Apparently someone also changed my clothes, I was now in booty shorts and a pyjama shirt, scratching my head, I continued to look around the room, which I noticed smelt familiar.
I heard a soft knock on the door and walked over to open it, seeing Emily standing outside smiling at me, "Oh good! You're awake!" she exclaimed, "Come downstairs and have some breakfast, the boys are eating now, but I put some aside for you." she held out her hand for me, and I tentatively grabbed it as she lead me to the dining room.
It was like a ripple affect when we arrived, slowly one-by-one, the boys seemed to notice my presence in the doorway, as Emily walked over to Sam, sitting softly in his lap, she beckoned me into the room.
I was beginning to get uncomfortable under all the stares from the boys. "Stop staring, you idiots." Growled out Leah as she walked into the house, rolling her eyes at the boys, she gave me a quick hug before going to get some food for herself.
"Oh Isaac called," Emily said, pulling me to an empty seat next to Paul and placing a plate in front of me, "Thank you, what did he want?" I asked nervously, if he told Scott I ran out last night, Scott would tell Stiles, who would tell Lydia, who will tell Kira, and Malia, who will tell Peter, who will tell Derek, and then I'll be done for.
"Oh nothing much, at least he said it wasn't," Emily responded, "he said Coach Finstock, Corey not Bobby, wanted you to go to Lacrosse training today, and if you are good enough, then you and him will be joining the rest of the team in a trip to Beacon Hills, for the game next week. Isn't that your home town?" she rattled off, ending with a question.
I couldn't help the smile on my face at the thought of going home even for a short time, I nodded enthusiastically to Emily, "Yea! I get to see my brother again! And meet his girlfriend, not too mention I love going against my friends in sports, I mean werewolves/kitsunes, or not I am still better then them, not to sound stuck up but my family raises us, trains us through sports, it's who I am, plus the werewolves on the team were bitten not born, and kitsunes control elements, nothing else..." I half bragged in response.
I always have been proud of my family, and the look on Bobby's face when he sees that me and Isaac are on his brothers team will be priceless...

Shifter vs Werewolf (teen wolf[a new Hale]/ twilight[Paul Lahote] crossover)Where stories live. Discover now