Epispde 1: the first eye contact

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Jake: so this is were you and Anthony will be staying so welcome to the house go in look around.
Chance: thanks bro (Anthony walks in putting his bag down and runs to the trampoline)
Anthony:this is so dope cuz.
Chance: hey Jake is there any girls living her hmmm.
Jake: ya one girl named Tessa and another name Erika why.
Chance: because I wanted to meet them get to now them.
Jake: will that's Tessa right there coming down the stairs. (Chance looks up the stairs and drop his bag to the floor with his jaw drop, he see Tessa and her hot dance wear and can't keep his eyes off her)
Tessa: Jake who is this guy.
Jake: that my friend Ohio he will be staying with us at the house.
Chance: hi nice to meet you in chance Sutton and you must be...
Tessa: hi chance nice to meet you my name is Tessa brooks.
Chance: well I hope you don't mind another guy live here.
Tessa: no I don't mind at all.
Chance: so wear you off to (as he said so shy like)
Tessa: my dance class it pretty lit you should come by sometime.
Chance: maybe I will one day ( with a wink)
Tessa: I got go I'll be home later.( when she shut the door she couldn't stop thinking about chance)
Jake: team 10 meeting plz everybody into the office.
Team10: yo what up Jake is something wrong.
Jake: now but tonight is Tessa birthday and I want her to have the best birthday ever.
Erika: ok so should we going shopping for supplies.
Jake: ya Erika you and Anthony go out and buy the cake and balloons and party decorations, Emilio and Ivan you guys can be the dancers, nick I need you to and go pick up Tessa gifts with Max's, Tristan I need you to get some food for the party, And chad come with me I need to go get something for tess.
Chance: hey what about me.
Jake: oh ya you can distract Tessa so she doesn't come in and see what we're up to.
Chance: ok easy...

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