Episode 6:New beginning's

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(Chance and Tessa look at each other really confused so they ask what wrong)
Chance: yo Jake what's wrong ( as he say sitting down next to Jake)
Jake: nothing wrong..
Chance: but you and Erika where both crying...
Jake: ya over joy...
Tessa:well what are you guys having..
Jake and Erika: we are having twins...
(Tessa and chance jaws drop and they were both in shock)
Chance: whattttt...
Tessa: omg I'm so happy..
Jake and Erika: the gender is a boy and a girl..
Tessa: omg the team 10 house is going to be full of little kids..
Jake: I'm excited because I teach my son everything about vlogging..
Erika: ya ok..
(They all laugh)
Erika: hey Tessa did you found out your gender.
Tessa: no we have to wait a little longer..
Chance: but it look like a healthy baby..
(They all had back to the team 10 house to tell everybody the big news)
Jake: team 10 in the office know...
Team 10: ya what's up...
Jake: well me and Erika are having twins and there 1 boy and 1 girl..
Team 10: omg congrats Jerika..
Kade: yes I'm finally and uncle yes...
( everyone is happy for them chance and Tessa tell them their news and everybody go back doing their thing until)
Tessa: hey chance can you come up here plz..
Chance: ya what up babe..omg what is wrong with your..

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