Episode 4: the big news

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(Erika and Tessa just stood there looking at each other when the heard the front door open)
Jake: they gym was lit boys right.
Chance: yep got get swole cuz.
Tessa: omg there here what do we do..
Erika:breath I will go talk to Jake and bring him in here so you can tell him.
Tessa: ok...
(Erika walks out of the room and talks to Jake)
Erika:hey Jake can we talk alone plz..
Jake: ya sure what up...
Erika: so um we have a problem come with me...
(They walk into Erika room and Jake see Tessa crying)
Jake: Tessa what wrong..
Erika: go ahead tell him.
Tessa: ok well me and chance kinda you now what and now I'm pregnant...
Jake: omg that a lot to take in but I'm happy for you..
Tessa: your not mad..
Jake:no why would I be,I'm happy for you guys.
Erika: well that was unexpected...
Tessa: how am I going to tell chance..
Jake: I will talk to him and get him ready for you to talk to him.
Tessa: thanks Jake your the best...
(Jake walks out and goes to talk to chance,chance is confused what Jake is talking about and he head up stairs and go to say hi to Tessa)
Chance: hey Tessa..what wrong..
Tessa: chance come here we need to talk.
Chance: ok...
Tessa: remember when he kinda got frisky...
Tessa: well that turn into us being parents..I'm pregnant..
Chance: what......
Tessa: are you mad...
Chance: um...um... I got to go...
(Chance leaves the room and Tessa start balling her eyes out)
Anthony:bro why is Tessa crying..
Chance: she pregnant and I didn't now what to say...
Anthony: damn bro neither do I.. I don't now what to tell you..bro..
(Anthony walks away still in shock)
Chance:babe.... Tessa...
(Tessa looks up and see chance standing in the door way)
Chance: I love you and I cant wait to to be a dad to are new baby..
Tessa: I love you to babe..
(Chance and Tessa start kissing and then they close the door and lay on the bed and start talking about there baby and how there going to tell their parents..until all of a sudden they hear a scream)
Tessa: what was that..
Chance: I don't now let go see..
(They run down stairs and see...)

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