Episode 10: the life path

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Tessa: Chance yes I will marry you..
Chance: I love you so much Tessa...
(2 months later chance and Tessa went home and now live in a new team 10 house and their 4 baby's are all healthy and there know 3 years old)
Tessa: James come on time to eat..
James: no no no..(most babies can speak at three)
Chance: James time to eat plz eat..
James: ok..
Tessa: lucky you got him to eat..
Chance: it a father and son bond..
Tessa: god save me..
Erika: Tessa can you help me with Sara plz..
Tessa: sure I'm coming..
(If you don't know who Sara is it one of Erika baby remember they were having twins)
Jake: babe..babe we have a problem..
Chance: hey I heard you calling for Erika she upstairs..
Jake: dang it i need help I don't know what to do..
Chance: god jake you don't know how to a change a diaper..
Jake:well it would be different if it was a boy but it's a girl..
Chance: she your daughter it not that hard..
(Oh ya and the doctor thought they were having a boy but it turned out to be two girls)
Jake: ok I got this.. ok lily daddy got this don't worry... oh look I did it.
Chance: see I new you could..
Anthony: guys um have you see Megan..
Chance: ya she lifting a box in the kitchen...
(Ya tony and Megan have been dating and know she pregnant)
Anthony: Megan hunny stay there and put the box down...
Chance: god he so protective..
Jake: facts bro facts..
( I'm literally cringe writing this lol 😂)
4 years later
Anthony: now Anthony jr get over here..
Anthony jr: know daddy I don't want to..
Megan: babe let him play with the blocks..
Anthony: no it could hurt him..
Megan: your so over protective he fine know come on..
( Anthony and Megan son is 4 years old know and Jake and Erika girls are 6 years old and chance and Tessa kids are 10 years old).
Tessa: crystal you look fine come on..
Crystal: mom I look ugly..
Chance: crystal rose Sutton get down here before I drag you down here..
Crystal: fine I'm coming..
Tessa: see you look pretty and your brothers look handsome..
Alex: you look a like a dork..
Crystal: mom..
Tessa: Alex stop it..
James and Anthony: you look pretty..
Crystal: thank you this is why your my favorite brothers.
Erika: lily plz stand up and walk..
Lily: I don't want to I like crawling...
Jake: lily come on( he pick her up and take her down stairs)
Jake: if Sara can walk so can you..
Sara: see told you...
Erika: Sara stop..
(They while squad is going to Jake movie premiere for his new movie called rack wing)
- This is what everybody wearing-

(They while squad is going to Jake movie premiere for his new movie called rack wing)- This is what everybody wearing-•Tessa•

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