Episode 2: party trouble

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(It was 3:00 pm and everyone was running around setting up for the party)
Jake: ok this need to go here the gifts need to go there and...
Chance: yo bro when is Tessa coming back.
Jake: um let's see she just text me saying she will be home in 15 minutes what omg everyone need to hurry up and chance go outside and distract her.
Chance: ok I'm on it.
Team10: ok everybody faster hurry up.
(Tessa pulls up in her uber when she get out chance is waiting for her)
Tessa: um hi chance what's up...
Chance: oh um nothing I was just wondering if you wanted to hang with me on the trampoline outside.
Tessa: sure i could have some fun.
Chance: cool let's go.
(Chance and Tessa finally stop jumping and lay down on the trampoline next to each other)
Chance: well that was fun but I'm tired.
Tessa: ya me to (as she leans over to look at chance even more)
Chance: so Tessa I heard today your birthday.
Tessa: ya it thanks I'm surprise your the only one in the house that wish me happy birthday.
Chance: no problem that weird I thought they would have said something.
Tessa: ya me to make me feel sad (Tessa starts to cry because she feels that nobody remember her Birthday)
Chance: Tessa don't cry it ok ( has he pulls Tessa in to his arms)
Tessa:thanks chance your the best.
(Tessa pulls away and look at chance with that look)
Chance: what are you looking at.
Tessa: your lips.
(Chance kisses Tessa and Tessa kisses back and they kissed for a long time)
Tessa: wow that was unexpected...
Chance: ya it was (he says with a wink)
(Chance phone goes off he look at it and read hey chance bring Tessa inside from Jake)
Chance: hey Tessa come with me I have a surprise for.
Tessa: ok...
(Chance covers her eyes and bring in side)
Everybody: surprise happy birthday Tessa.
Tessa: omg you guys are the best I love you all.
(Tessa looks at chance and smiles and he smiles back)
Tessa: I will be right back let me change Into a party wear.
Everybody: ok
(10 minutes later Tessa all ready to go and party)
Jake: so Tessa what do you think about the party.
Tessa: its lit I love it.
Chance: hey Tessa you want another drink.
Tessa: sure...
(Everybody basically drunk right now)
Anthony: yo kade don't even throw that at me.
Kade: why you scared huh..
Everybody: what the hell is going on.
Jake: yo guys chill..
Kade: shut up Jake..
Chance: Wtf kade what wrong with you.
Kade: shut up chance.
(Kade throws a punch at chance and give him a black eye then kade throws one a Jake and Jake goes flying back and then kade hit tony and breaks his nose)
Tessa: stop your killing my party kade.
Kade: omg I'm so sorry Tessa.
Nick: kade in the office now.
Tessa: are you ok chance..
Chance: no not really...
Erika: Jake omg are u ok and tony your nose.
Tony: Oww it hurts so much.
Jake: my hole body hurts.
Erika: max call 9/11 plz
Max: ok got it hello 9/11...
(9/11 show up they boys go to the hospitals chance and Anthony are ok Jake is kinda knock up hard but he will be fine and they all head home and get some rest)

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