Episode 8:wide awake

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(I turned to see it wasn't Tessa it was just someone else having an emergency, I turns around to look back at my kids)
Nurse: do you want to come and hold their hands.
Chance: yes please..
(The nurse brought chance in and gave him gloves and a certain cloths)
Chance: are you sure I can do this
Nurse: yes parents do this all the time..
Chance: oh ok..
(Chance put his hand in and touch his son James hand for the first time he felt the power of a child soft hand and how precious it was, he went to his other sons and he felt the same thing, but when he went to his daughter he felt something different he felt a daughter and father bond that can never be broken and he felt the power to protect her no Matter what)
Nurse: call me if you need me..
Chance: ok
(The nurse left the room)
Chance: ok boys now you listen to me when you open your eyes and healthy you see your beautiful mother and then you pretty sister and you will know that your meant to protect them when I'm not there.
( he kiss the top of the glass of their machine)
Chance: and you no boys only your bothers and your uncles nobody else..
(Chance cry over her glass and then kissed the top)
Anthony: hey chance come here (as he said through the glass)
Chance: why...
(Chance walked out and took of his scrubs and the nurse took them and went back to taking care of his baby's)
Chance: yo bro what's up..
Anthony: Tessa out of surgery and she in her room everyone in their..
Chance: is she awake..
Anthony: come see for your self..
(Chance and Anthony walked in her room and saw everyone turn around and look at chance)
Tessa: chance is that you
Chance: oh babe it's me..
( chance ran to her and hug her so tight with turns running down his face and tears running down her face)
-so hey you guys this was a sweet episode I just wanted to tell you their only more episode left so make sure you vote and tell me what you think so far ❤️-

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