Episode 7: not ready for this

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(Chance look at Tessa so confused she look at him in shock)
Chance: babe what wrong with your stomach...
Tessa: I have no idea it so huge..
Chance: I think we need to go to the hospital right know...
Tessa: ok but I cant move...
Chance: hold on...
(Chance run down stairs and ask Ohio to help him out their a little confused but the second they see they know what's up)
Chance: help me pick her up..
Jake and Anthony: ok..
Tessa:ow that hurts tony..
Tony: oh sorry Tessa..
Chance: be careful bringing her down stairs...
(They put Tessa in the team 10 van and Jake drives while chance and tony help Tessa)
Jake: where here...
Chance: ok here let's help her out..
(Tony calls for help from so nurses)
Nurse: where coming...someone get a stretcher..
(They wheel Tessa in to a room and help her get settled)
Jake: I'm going to call the rest of team 10 to come and help..
Chance: babe are you ok...
Tessa: no..I'm..in..a..lot of pain..
Anthony: should I call the doctor..
Tessa: Yes...
Anthony: doctor in here plz..
Doctor: ok so Tessa I have good news and bad news..
Tessa: what the good news..
Doctor: your not just having one baby you are having four baby.. your having quadruplets..
Tessa: what omg...
Chance: hold up what...
Doctor: and the bad news is there coming now and there a possibility that you could die..
Tessa: what omg ( she starts to break down in tears)
Chance: babe it going to be ok I will be with you the whole time..
Doctor: chance can I speak to you plz..
Chance: yes... I will be back..
( meanwhile Tessa tell tony something to tell Chance)
Tessa: tony I need you to tell chance that if I die today that I want him to be happy with out me and teach are kids the way of life and I need you to be there for him.. so give him this note plz..
Anthony: ok I will..
Tessa: and tony one more thing.. be there for him and are children plz..
Anthony: anything for chessa..
(Back to the conversation with chance and the doctor)
Doctor: you can't be with Tessa during the birth because it will put more stress on her...
Chance: ok I understood I don't want to hurt..
Doctor: you can wait in the waiting room for newborns.
(Chance walk in and kisses Tessa goodbye and they both pray, chance watch them push Tessa how in the operation room)
Chance: bye Tessa ( as he say crying)
Anthony: it will be ok bro here let's go to the waiting room..
Jake: yo chance it going to be ok trust me..
Team 10: where here..where is she..
Jake: everybody sit down plz..
(Jake explains everything that happing, some of them start to cry, Erika brake down so hard)
Erika: my little pickle...
Jake: come here Erika..
(Erika tuck her head into Jake chest, he calms her down by playing with her hair)
Ivan and Emilio: chance where here for you bro..
Chance: thank Martinez...
Nick: I need to make a phone call..
( the rest of team 10 sits on the across from chance, chance has his head in his hands crying)
Anthony: hey chance can I sit here...
Chance: nodded his head..
Anthony: Tessa gave me this note..if you want to read it..
(Chance grabs the note and read it by the time he hit the last sentence his eyes ball up)
Anthony: are you ok...
Chance: go away..
Anthony: ok bro calm down..
Chance: don't tell me to calm down... you don't know what it like ok..
(Tony Knew chance was right he didn't know what it was like, but tony started crying in anger)
Chance: tony wait I'm sorry bro come here..
Anthony: damn bro I'm sorry..(as he say hugging him)
Chance: it ok bro..
(It been 11 hours since Tessa was gone people started falling asleep,Erika still had tears falling, Jake and tony fell asleep on each other, but chance was the only awake)
Doctor: chance sutton I need to see you plz...
(Everyone shot up when they saw the doctor)
Chance: yes sir..
Doctor: the baby have been born small and are in incubators and two them have a heart problem and the other two have a brain problem so they will be here for a long time.
Chance: I can't...wait...huh
Doctor: Tessa is a immediate surgery and we don't know is she will make it yet..
Chance: can I see my children..
Doctor: yes right over there In the special room.
(Chance walked over and saw four small baby sitting in there machines,)
Chance: there so beautiful...
Team 10: omg there so cute..
(Chance look at their tags and saw their gender 3 boys and 1 girl)
Chance: have a daughter and three sons..
Anthony: what are you going to name them...
Chance:im going to name them...
(Baby names)
1:James Christopher Sutton
2: Alex Jack Sutton
3: Anthony Jake Sutton
4: crystal rose Sutton
Team 10: those are really good names..
Jake and Anthony: ok you chose are names...
Chance: because your my best friends and you help me through this rough time..
Jake and Anthony: thanks bro..
Nurse: so those are their names..
Chance: yep...
Nurse: ok I'll go write them down..
( now it been 4 hours since they have been born and Tessa is still in surgery, and chance can't stop looking at his babies and how adorable they are)
(Baby features)
1: James
Eyes color: blue
Hair color: blonde
Skin tone: tan
2: Alex
Eyes color: blue
Hair color: blonde
Skin tone: tan
3: Anthony
Eye color: hazel
Hair color: dirty blonde
Skin tone: tan
4: crystal
Eye color: hazel
Hair color: dirty blonde
Skin tone: tan
(While chance was standing their he heard people screaming he turned around and saw)
•Hey you guys I know this is long but I hope you enjoy this episode it really sad but also really good to/ make sure you vote to plz ♥️•

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