Episode 3:big mistake

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(So it been 5 hours since the party happen the Ohio boys are fine and kade apologize for his actions and they accepted it now it Another day)
Jake: good morning Jake paulers I hope your having a great morning.
Chance: yo Tessa can we talk....
Tessa: sure lets go up stairs tho because Jake is doing his vlog.
(Tessa and chance head upstairs into to Tessa room)
Tessa: so what did you want to talk about...
Chance: the kiss we had what does that mean...
Tessa: I don't now maybe boyfriend and girlfriend..
Chance: ok then it confirmed we dating.
Tessa: really well that was fasts let's go tell everyone..
Chance and Tessa: yo team 10 meeting.
Team 10: what up...
Chance and Tessa: we are dating..
Team 10: congrats we all that it would happen.
Chance: well that was easy.
Tessa: sure was..
(It 10:00 at night and chance and Tessa get into a fight and Tessa leaves the house crying and chance chases after her in Jake truck so let's what happens)
Chance: Tessa come her get in the truck.
Tessa: go away chance I don't want to talk.
( chance stops the truck and gets out and grabs Tessa arm)
Chance: Tessa I love you and I don't want to hurt you at all.
Tessa: oh really if love then why are texting other girls huh.
Chance: I wasn't they were texting me I don't love like I love you.
(Chance pulls Tessa in and kisses her she kisses back and they both get in the car and drive back and chance brings into her room and you now what they do "smash")
Chance: wow Tessa..
Tessa: what..
Chance: nothing..
Tessa: I love you chance.
Chance: I love you to babe.
(The next week comes and Tessa start feeling sick in the morning and start freaking out so she calls Erika)
Erika: do..you..think that your pregnant.
Tessa: I hope not I'm so young to have a baby.
Erika: well here take a test.
Tessa: why do you have those..
Erika: no reason..
(3 minutes pass they look and Tessa is pregnant)
Tessa: omg I'm screwed how do I tell Chance.
Erika: omg how do we tell everyone in team 10.
Erika and Tessa: omg we screwed.

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