Episode 9:the talk

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Chance: Tessa I'm so happy your alive and awake
Tessa: I had to live for you and the baby's..
Chance: ya about that...um..
Tessa: what wrong chance where are they....
(Chance explains the whole story to Tessa and she breaks down into tears)
Tessa: what do you mean...
Chance: I'm sorry Tessa..but if we stay strong they will be strong..
Tessa: can I see them...
Chance: not right know...
Tessa: how come..
Chance: well there all in surgery for all of their problems..
Tessa: THEIR WHAT...
Chance: Tessa calm down it ok..they do this all the time for sick baby's...
Tessa: oh ok...
(5 hours have past Tessa it doing a lot better and she has calm down, chance and Tessa are both asleep but they wake up when they see a nurse)
Nurse: hi Tessa and chance..
Chance and Tessa: hi...
Nurse: Your children are ok and are doing 100% well...
Chance and Tessa: oh thank god
Tessa: when can we see them..
Nurse: you will have to wait until tomorrow..
Tessa: ok
(While Tessa and chance are alone chance has to ask Tessa a very important question)
Chance: um hey Tessa can we talk..
Tessa: ya sure what's up..
Chance: well I just wanted to say that I have know you for a very long time now and that I had crush on you since I meet you I didn't think I would be have children with you until we were older but i can't wait to see them grow up and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you so I wanted to know if you Tessa brooks will marry me..
Tessa: um chance I don't what to say..
~I know it short but what should Tessa say~ ❤️❤️ plz vote

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