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"What did I tell you?" Luke growls, his hands wrapping around my wrists and pulling me away from the bedroom.

"Ouch! Get off!"

"I told you never to go through my stuff," he throws me down onto the couch, his jaw locked hard. "And what the fuck did you do?"


"You went behind my back and did it anyway," he fumbles around for something in his back pocket, and I almost let out a quiet cry at the familiar silver glint. "Why did you do it, Sophie?"

"I-I just wanted to see, I w-was just wondering-"

"Then you ask, babygirl, you ask," he seethes, hilding it up to my throat; blue eyes wild. "You ask me what you want to know and I tell you. It doesn't always have to be the hard way, not all the time, but I guess that's what you like, isn't it?"

"No, Luke, I-I don't," I stammer, terrified out of my mind. "I just didn't know what to do, so I-I panicked, and-"

"Such a pretty fucking face," he interjects, almost spitting the words out in spite. "And such pretty pink lips, too. I love it when they're open, and you're under me, screaming my name," his words are sultry and sweet, yet the meaning behind them is nothing but hateful.

"What do you say I make you scream it again, in a different way, this time?"

I'm frozen in fear, every single bone in my body chilled to the core. I can feel my heart hammering in my chest as Luke drags the flat side of the knife up and down my inner thigh, making a plethora of thoughts plague my mind.

"W-What-" I squeak, feeling a sob at the bottom of my throat. "What are you doing-"

"Oh, baby. I think it's best you keep quiet," Luke chuckles darkly. My eyes widen as he clamps a hand over my mouth, and a sharp shooting pain impales through my right leg.

"After all," he mutters in my ear. "Curiosity killed the cat."

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