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Taxidermy was the act of preserving animals, either by stuffing them with sawdust or coating them in resin.

This helped to explain the numerous dead birds, badgers and whatever else I saw in Ellie's room. It also helped me understand why Luke always came home exhausted every night after I took care of the kids.

"Thank you so much, Sophie," I remember him saying to me once, his deep Australian accent prominent and smooth, "I owe you one,"

I rejected the money that he was trying to give me, shaking my head slowly, "You don't have to pay me,"

"I think I do," he chuckled, light eyes twinkling as he pressed it into my palm. "You did a wonderful job with the kids tonight. I think this is the first night in a while where they won't have nightmares,"


It was quiet for a bit. Then Luke gave me a small smile, as if he'd made a silent decision to trust me enough to talk more about his children.

"About Chloe," he replied. I nodded solemnly; Chloe, I'd learned from my fellow coworkers back at the nursery, was his ex-wife. "They miss her, God bless. Unfortunately, she doesn't come around as often as they'd like,"

"Was she mean to them?"

"Not mean. Just never around," Luke said, sadly. I nodded again, unsure of what to say. "They get to see her once a week. We all have dinner together at the table. But she's not the same,"

"At least she still visits," I said, attempting to lighten the mood.

"She has to," Luke chuckled, and as our eyes met, a shiver ran down my spine. "Hey,"


"Tomorrow's Game night," he noted randomly, leaning against the doorframe and ducking his head so that it was at level with mine. I could practically feel my heart in my throat at our proximity, "Would it be too much to ask if you stick around for it?"

"What? To watch the kids?" I questioned, puzzled.

Luke shook his head, laughing lightly. "Not quite," he then took a hold of my hand, his grip gentle. "The kids love you. They always go on and on about you,"

"They do?" needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised.

"Mhm," he hummed, "And if I'm being honest, I kind of want to see what all the fuss is about. Though I think I've already seen enough,"

I smiled, the blush on my cheeks creeping up at his charming words. Again, I liked Luke. Having him ask me to spend even more time with him, and Ellie and Corey, was a big bonus that I was not about to pass up.

So I nodded, biting my lip. Because like the naive, stupid little girl I was, all I could think of was, why not? What's the worst that can happen?

"I'll be there."

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