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Ozzy sighed in relief as he sat on his bed. He looked over at the plate and smiled lightly. He wrote something down on his chalkboard and tapped on Felix's shoulder.

Felix turned and read the message,
"Oh yes I made those for you, I hope you like them. Mickey said you loved blueberry.."

Ozzy nodded as he began to eat, his eyes widened at the taste, it was amazing, like heaven on earth. He closed his eyes and remembered, being in the kitchen...with Her..

Ozzy placed the plate down and sighed. Felix looked at him worriedly.

"Do you not like them!? Did I use too much blueberry sauce!?" Ozzy smiled and shook his head. He reached for his chalkboard.

They remind me of someone..
Someone i really miss...

Felix knew exactly who he was talking about.
"Ozzy, do I remind you of her.."

Ozzy froze. Tears began to fall from his eyes. He turned to look at Felix and nodded.

Felix felt a sudden guilt for asking.
"Ozzy I'm sorry for making you remember, I know how touchy that subject is to you.."

Oswald looked at Felix and sighed, he reached for his chalkboard and wrote a new message.

It's okay I don't blame you for wanting to know about her..mostly everyone asks about my wife..she was an amazing woman....she..she..

He trailed off as more tears fell down his face. Felix held him tightly as he continued to sob.

"Ozzy it's okay, I'm here for you..."

Oswald nuzzled deep into his chest he let out a soft sigh.

I feel okay, I need him...he makes me happy...No You only have one heart and you promised it to someone a long time ago...

Oswald pulled away and walked over to his children. Petting their heads softly. They purred at the touch and hugged him tightly.

Felix sat in pure awe, his heart was beating fast, his face hotter than an oven.

Ozzy looked at him and gave a faint smile. Sending Felix into a deep blissful sleep.

The little bunnies noticed.
"Papa is he okay?"
Ozzy nodded as he brushed his child's soft fur.

Felix...how do I put this...
.......I like you......

OSIX [1.0]DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now