America x reader. The midnight rain

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Y/n = your name
Y/ec =your eye color

As I walk down the forest floor like I have done so many times I can feel the wind brushing against my body while the rain becomes intangled with my hair. "Hey! Wait up dude!" A loud voice echoes behind me. " Hm? " As I turned around I was meet with two bright blue eyes. "Geez dude I know you like your walks but really dude it's pouring" Alfred said laughing. "Well why are you walking here with me?" I said putting a hand on my hip. " Because if you stay out here longer you'll get a cold" he said with a serious face and look. What happened to him!? "So you need a hero! Like me!" And there's the bright american. " sometimes dude. I hope you know I'm not going anywhere." I said laughing. "Fine y/n I'll just carry you then!" He said picking me up bridal style. "Meep!" I squeaked. " Aww dude that was so cute! " He said smiling ear to ear causing a blush to form on my cheeks. Then under the moonlight a figure jumped out at the two. "HELL NO! YOU CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF! ALFRED YOU EITHER LET ME DOWN OR RUN!" I screamed jumping out of my skin. "Don't worry the hero will save you!" He screamed trembleing running away. 
~~time skip~~
"Hahahaha! You should of sean it England I knocked the guy right out!" Alfred was proudly stating while I just rolled my eyes while drying my hair from the rain. Arthur looked at me looking for approval that he did. I just shoke my head no. "Sure you did. Bloody american" Arthur said whispering the last part getting up to make some (bloody) tea. "Well dude the hero did save you could he get a kiss?" Alfred said with hope in his eyes. His bright eyes looked into your y/ec. I broke the stareing looking at a wall with my blush putting Spain's and Romanos tomatoes to shame. When he suddenly took a hold on your chin to look at him. "Well?" He said in a low voice making your legs want to fall. Well I've fell for this idiot....fuck it. I kissed him right on the lips. It tastes like hamburgers (and freedom) with a sweetness. He froze for a second before deeping the kiss pulling you up more putting his hands on your hips. As you played with his hair during this you broke the kiss for this damn thing called 'air'. "I love you" Alfred said digging his head into your neck. "I love you too." You said blushing madly. 
  Extended ending~~~
England's point of view
Ah I love earl grey tea so much. As I started to walk into the room I saw y/n and Alfred kissing!? I swiftly hid behind the door frame. How the bloody hell did he get a girl/boy like that! "You know we were in the middle of the rain we could both use a shower." Alfred said in a deep low voice. WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!!! 
The rest is up to you~~

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