Nordics x reader part 2

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I'm so sorry it's taken a while to get this part out. When I finally stoped being sick I got a huge writers block so I apologize for it taking a while. Thank you!

(Time skip to inside the car.)
Huh this car is pretty big, I mean if it's going To fit all of the nordics plus more people it's going to have to be a soccer moms van. Driving the car was of course Sweden and next to him finland. In the second row was Denmark and Norway. And in the third was Iceland and I. Dragging me out of my thoughts I felt a small poking on my hand. There sat Mr. Puffin poking at my hand trying to get my attention.

" leave her alone." Iceland said, pulling Mr. Puffin away from me.

"No no it's okay! I don't mind at all, huh Mr. Puffin?" I said picking him up to which he immediately rested himself on my shoulder. "Aw your so cute!" I said scratching the top of the puffins head. (I'm sorry I'm Iceland or Mr. Puffin doesn't act this way I don't know much about this character). For a glimpse of a second I could of swore I felt all eyes were on me. Almost trying to tell if something was going on or who it was pointed towards. Looking over at Iceland a small blush seemed to be swept across his face. "See it's okay!" I smiled to which his face got brighter. I feel like I should probably say something I mean his face is turning red! Does- does that mean he likes me? No! He's probably just sick or something like that! Yeah...

As I go to open my mouth to speak the car stops at a beautiful large house by the water. I always forget how pretty it is until I get here and see it in person. "Cmon I already have everything set up we just have to cook them!" Finland said eagerly getting out of the car and walking into the house Sweden, Denmark, and Iceland trailing behind. Getting out of the car I feel a slight nudge on my neck. "Haha don't think I forgot about you Mr. Puffin!" I said petting the top of his head again.

"Hurry up." Norway said walking past me, his hair having a slight bounce while he walked.

"Hey you're still here too don't act like your not slow too." I said smiling running up towards the stairs. As I go to jump up the first step I feel the stair hit the back of my shoe. Oh no I'm going to land face first. Quickly bringing my hands up to cover my face I waited for empact but nothing came. I'm fact I felt like I was touching nothing! Slowly opening my eyes I come face to face with a flying Puffin. Wait, flying? Looking down I see that I'm floating above the steps. Gasping in shock I tried to jump back only to collide with Norway holding up his strange book.

"Did- did you just save me from falling on my face?" I asked looking up at Norway who only shook his head in agreement. "Thank you so much Norway!" I said wrapping my arms around him, giving him a hug. He stiffened at first but slowly accepted the hug. "Hehe sorry Nor. Thank you again we should probably get inside before Finland gets mad for not coming to help make the semla." I said starting to speed walk up the stairs not wanting to see the reaction. I've had my heart jump around too much today so I don't need another thing to happen!

"There you are rakas can you come help knead the dough!" Finland said, poking his head out from the kitchen having a small amount of flour on his cheek. Rakas? I've heard that before. What does it mean? Oh right it means dear! Wait does he mean that in a friendly way or a... You know what, I'll just take out all my confused feelings throughout the day on the dough! It's never going to know what hit them they will be perfect in no time! Walking into the kitchen it seems like Finland's already gotten to work with some balls of dough already being laid out. Next to him in a bowl is flour and everything else necessary for the dish I assume. I washed my hand then started to move the mixture around. Am I doing this right? I've never done this before. I look over at Finland who starts to laugh.

"I'm guessing you've never done this before! Here let me help this is the best way to do it by hand." Finland said moving over behind me and taking my hands and moving them with the dough explaining what to do. Honestly I couldn't make out what he was saying all I could hear was imaginary alarms going off in my head telling me, 'your in deep y/n! He called you dear and is now basically holding your hands and is standing behind you!' "See not too hard!" Finland said, smiling at me with a small blush on his face, clearly realizing what just happened.

"Uh-uh yeah thanks for the help." I stuttered turning back to the dough in front of me and copying the hand motions. While mixing the dough a loud crash came from one of the other rooms. "Oh no what happened now? I'll be right back y/n keep making the Semla!" Finland said taking off the apron he had on and walking out of the room. When he places the apron down a small crumpled up piece of paper falls from the pocket. It was just enough open to see my name written on it. Hm it never hurt to be a little nosy. Picking it up I started to read it and felt my face get even brighter than before and not just from it being hot in the kitchen.

'Dear y/n I'm not sure I'll be able to get out everything I want to say to you so I'm going to write it down! I've loved you since the day I saw you. I mean you're absolutely gorgeous and your smile makes my heart flutter!' The rest of the writing is either erased, crossed out, or just scrambled thoughts. Okayyyy y/n what do you do now! I mean what's there to do!

"You okay y/n?" Iceland's voice came from behind me.

"Y-yeah! Just a little hot here is all!" I said bringing the piece of paper into my pocket.

"Hm you look cute with your face red." Iceland said looking down making it look like the floor tile is the most fascinating thing on earth. "H-huh?" I said. "I like you y/n." Iceland said looking into my eyes. Oh no now there's two that like me! Suddenly I feel arms wrap around my waist picking me up and bringing me into another room. I looked at my kidnapper to see Denmark's crazy hair going around, ah I see I'm being kidnapped from a confession. I looked back at Iceland who's face seemed to go from surprised to mad back to neutral again. He started to walk after me and started to yell at Denmark to let me go which caused him to start to run down the long hallways.

"Uhh Denmark where are we going?" I asked, trying to turn my head to face him as I'm being carried like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder. He remained silent for once in his life before opening up a door and closing it behind him and sitting me down on a chair. He looked at me and ran his fingers through his hair looking down for a second lost in thought then coming back up with a more serious face on. "Denmark you okay? You never look serious." I asked him.

"Y/n I'm being serious for once because I need to tell you that I love you and that every time I mess up it makes me so upset because now I caused an inconvenience or pain or something like that! Like scaring you today I didn't mean to make you drop your papers everywhere I just want to talk to you and be with you! Your everything I could have ever asked for please just tell me-" before he could finish the door opens revealing Sweden behind it. "Bit busy here Sweden." Denmark said through his teeth. They both just sat there for a moment glaring at each other not moving a single inch until Sweden grabs me and walks out of the room shutting the door and holding it right behind him. I stood there stunned until he looks at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded my head yes in response and felt something drop onto my hand. Please don't be another confession I don't know if I can take any more all at once! Looking down is a small wood shaved heart saying 'I like you'. Once again I became stunned, I mean it's very beautifully crafted. Suddenly the door came bursting down. Sweden got knocked back slightly almost hitting me until I felt lifted up into a pair of arms and brought out of the way of a broken door and two very angry and fighting men. Looking up I see Norway once again looking at the fight going on and how the noise alerted Finland and Iceland to appear trying to stop Denmark and Sweden from fighting.

"Thank you." I whispered to Norway hoping not to bring any attention to me.

"I will always protect you." Norway mumbled under his breath staring down at me.

"Nor are you confessing to me?" I asked looking up at him. Before he could respond there was a large thump on the ground. Flying my head towards the noise there sat Denmark and Sweden laying on the floor with dough in their heads and a large metal mixing bowl on the ground. Well looks like it stopped. Huh, there's a piece of paper next to the bowl. Wait is that. I shoved my hand into my pocket looking for the confession note feeling no trace of it. Looking back up I see Finland's panicked face seeing it in the ground and poking it up. He looked over to me to see me just as panicked and put two and two together that I saw the note.

"You know I wanted to give you this later on but looks like you saw it early huh." Finland said rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Y/n!" Denmark yelled

"Huh!" I said in surprise with the yell catching me off guard. Denmark stood up and walked towards me. "How do you feel." He asked looking into my eyes. Looking around it seemed like that question was on all of their minds.

Who do you pick?

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