Canada x reader. Cats

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I'm so sorry this request took a while to come out with I've had a hectic schedule with only a hour if even to myself. Anyways I hope you enjoy all the cats.

"What the fuck just happened." You murmur in disbelief. You were visiting England's house with the magic trio, America, Prussia, and Denmark to watch the magic trios "magic" trick. You left for a second to grab a drink until you heard a large bang and ran back into the room where everyone was.

Looking down you see six cats, a large white cat with marks under their eyes that looks like glasses. A longhair with a toothy looking grin. A scottish fold with some thick looking eyebrows. A white cat with a german flag ribbon around its neck. Another cat with longhair and a Norway ribbon around its neck. And lastly a ginger looking cat with a small tophat on. "No way, d-did you guys?"

The white cat with the german flag came up to you which you could only assume to be prussia, meowing purrfusely probably yelling something like 'this is totally not awesome!.' Looking over towards the others- well cats- America cat and Denmark cat looked completely terrified about the whole situation. Romania cat. Norway cat, and England cat were all surrounding the large book on the table arguing with one another and trying their best to flip the page with their noses and paws. Walking over towards the book you flip the page and begin to read the passage.

Transformation spell
To turn oneself into a creature until the next sunrise
{bunch on momo jumbo that is in another language that you are unable to read}
If the spell goes wrong everyone in the close proximity will be turned as well and it is they will not be able to return to their original form.

"Was this your dumb magic trick you wanted to show us? You guys may not be able to return to normal!" You looked down at the cats only to see them confused about what you're saying and slightly intimidated at your yelling. "Well I can't just leave you all here like this can i? Maybe it will be fine in the morning." You sighed grabbing a bag motioning for everyone to go into the bag.

[time skip to at you and Canada's house]

"Prussia just because you're a cat doesn't mean you can knock things off the table and get away with it!" You yelled at Prussia cat who just thought it would be great to knock over your water on the table. Looking over towards his two watchers, America and Denmark, you see them moving over to other objects hanging off the ledge of the table. "Don't you two dare-!" Before you could even finish the sentence everything was on the ground including America-cat who fell down while pushing off a book.

Suddenly you hear footsteps at the front door before it opens with Canada walking in through the front door." Y/n I'm home. How was- uh." You look up to see him looking around at all the cats everywhere. America on the floor with Denmark and Prussia laughing above him. Romania and Norway meowing at the wall for some odd reason. And England trying to get Canada's attention. "Y/N why are there a bunch of cats? And why are some of them wearing flags around their neck?" Canada asked picking up Prussia who started to panic and squirmed around trying to break free from his grasp.

"Hehe well uhh funny story. I was at Arthur's house and a spell went wrong and they turned into cats and hopefully they will be back to normal tomorrow?" You said raising your voice slightly higher at the end not knowing how he will respond.

"Hopefully?" He asked finally to let the poor Prussia cat go. "Do they know who they are or?"

"It seems like they stayed the same, they just changed into cats." You said sitting down on the couch. Canada sat down next to you but not before romaina cat was able to sneak it's way onto the couch and laying down it's head on your leg. "And what do you think you're doing?" You looked down at romania cat who gave a tired look before it's top hat fell off onto the ground and started to purr. Damnit I'm a sucker for cats I can't move now even it's it's that stupid vampire. You looked over towards all the cats and seeing how Romania was able to lay down the all began to run over except for England cat and Norway cat who ended up on the top of the couch laying by you and Canada's head. The rest of them laid down on your lap before falling asleep. "Why do cats have to be so cute." You mumbled angrily not being able to resist petting their ears and toe beans. (I love cats paws and toe beans so much they are so fun to squish >^<).

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