Nordics x Reader part 1

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Request from Pohifallie. I apologize if this one isn't as good. I've never written for multiple characters before and some of the Nordic characters thank you!

"And that concludes our meeting for today thank you all for coming and for some of you" glares at the bad touch trio flirting with the maids. "For behaving and listening. you all are free to go." Germany said sighing and rubbing his temples. I can't help but feel bad for him. I mean it's almost impossible to get everyone's attention.

"Hey broha!" Denmark yells from behind me making me jump and drop all of my paperwork from the meeting.

"Denmark you scared me geez." I said leaning down and picking up all the fallen paperwork. (Failing you notice a certain danish man blushing from behind.) looking across from me is Sweden picking up some of the papers that got under the table. It's kind of entertaining to see him under the table. I mean he barely fits under it with how tall he is! While being lost in thought I didn't realize Sweden picked up the rest of the papers and handed them to me.

"Oh! Thank you Sweden you didn't have to." I said, grabbing the papers from him and putting them in my bag, only receiving a grunt as a response from the tall man. Looking back up at him I took a small moment to get lost in his bright eyes until a small blush spread across his face. Suddenly he turned away to look at Denmark almost saying 'don't scare her again' within a glare. Wait a second he's blushing? Suddenly I feel warmth on my cheeks and butterflies is my stomach almost making me feel like I'm going to throw up. Wait am I blushing?! Putting my hand up to my cheek I can feel the warmth from my face upon my hand, damn I am blushing.

"Hey don't be starting any fights in here you two!" Finland said walking over to us with Norway Iceland right behind. With those words the glares between Denmark and Sweden almost vanished, almost. "We weren't going to fight! At least as of right now." Denmark said mumbling the last part.

"Oh! Y/N I wanted to ask you would you like to come over to have some Semla!" (A bun flavored with cardamom and filled with almond and whipped cream, a Nordic dish. You can change it if you like.) Finland said grabbing onto my hands and holding them there. Okay my face is now in grr what's going on! "Oh hehe I'm sorry!" Finland said sheepishly, pulling his hands away. "But would you like to come over?"

"O-of course I would love to." I said pulling the strap of my bag closest to me trying to calm down my heart from beating so fast.

"Wonderful! Come we can use swed's car!" Finland said practically skipping away.

Part two will come out as soon as I stop being sick I apologize for this part being short thank you!

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