Hungary x reader. shipping

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N/n= Nick name
(Warning: this one sucks)

"What about.....France and England!" Hungary said clapping her hands together. You've had a crush on her forever. Though she seemed to like Austria. Right now you two were hanging out in your house talking about who you shipped your friends with. "How about (favorite gay ship.)?" You said trying not to have a bloody nose. " Yes! " Hungary said ready to fangirl at the thought. She looked at the clock seeing that it was 5:47. "Oh I have to go y/n but we can hangout later!" Hungary said getting her things. "Ok that sounds nice!" Y/n said trying not to be upset about her leaving.
After waving goodbye you started to text America.
N/n: hey
Hamburger man: yo, so are you going to ask Hungary out yet dude
N/n: what! I can't do that
Hamburger man: yeah you can just go and say hey I like you want to go out
N/n: no
Hamburger man: come on dude everyone ships it just do it!
N/n: but she likes Austria
Hamburger man: just you wait I have a surprise for my sidekick!
N/n: oh no

Just what is he going to do.....
~~~~time skip~~~~
I was just sitting on my couch enjoying my time alone with nothing but light music playing until...  "Yo dude!" Alfred screamed jumping though my window. "What in the mother of gayness! " I screamed . I'm going to murder him but he has to pay for my window first. "HAHAHAHHA! You should see the look on your face! But really dude, France and I are gonna get you hooked up with hungary!" Alfred said with a ear to ear grin while france climbed though my window to.... "Why guys!? There's a door RIGHT THERE!" I screamed at them. "Désolé y/n but it looked fun" France said. "You two are paying for that. Now you want to get me with hungary right?" They shook their heads yes. " fine what do you got" I said hiding a small blush. "Honhonon go outside and see" France said giving me a wink. "F-fine." I walked over and slowly opened the door with a hint of hope. It was Hungary standing their with flowers looking drop dead gorgeous, I felt my cheeks rise up to a bright red. "Y/n" she said holding your hand looking into your eyes burning with love and hope. "I ship us, let this be cannon." Hungary said with the most straight face. (If your a girl it's definitely not straight XD. No, no one thought it was funny.) "That is not what we practiced!" France yelled from behind us. " I don't know dude I think that was better. " America said laughing. "Way to ruin the moment guys. I would love to make this cannon."

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