Yandere Sweden x Reader. Saver or killer?

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"Mathias what are you doing?" I asked as the Dane was just laying his head down on my thighs watching tv. " Useing your thighs as pillows their really comfortable! " He said smiling at you. Damn why do you have to be so cute. As a certain Swedish man was watching, not very pleased and ready to go over their and rip his head off. But blood would get everywhere and would scare his dear y/n~. "Mathias I know you are comfortable and it's like a blanket but I need to make sweets with sealand." I said trying to move. " not happening y/n!~" He said moving closer to you. Sweden got up, Mathias is not doing this. With one quick move he got Mathias on his shoulder and off y/n. "Hey! No far ber!" Mathias said trying to get out of his grip. " O-oh! Thanks ber! " y/n said standing up and off to the kitchen.
            Swedens pov.
I set Mathias down and looked him right In the eye. "Don't touch her." I said glaring right though is blue eyes. " oh really berwald? Y/n!~" Mathias said as he ran into the kitchen before I could get him. Your going to be dead denmark.. As I walk in I see y/n and Peter making cake while that thing put his hands around her waist making her jump. "M-mathias!" Y/n yelled. "Haha! Scared ya! Anyways~ meet me by the lake in the forest I got a surprise for you!" He explained. To close to her/ him. . . "Ok." She said turning back to the mix. As Mathias walked out he sent a smirk towards me.
~~~time skip~~~
I followed them, no way was he going to do anything to her/ him. "Hey y/n!" Mathias yelled running up to her /him. "Hey! What did you want now?" She/he asked. "Close your eyes" He said walking slowly up, knife behind his back just out of their sight. Not happening denmark. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me, the cold air hitting my cheeks like needles but I was to far behind. He raised the knife and cut her/ his arm by mistake when he heard me run. Then I heard it. Y/n's blood curling scream, he's not going to see sunlight again. I ran and got the knife from his hand. " I told you not to touch them~" Is all I said when I killed him. I stabbed his hands and legs so he couldn't fright back nor run. Next I ran the knife against his arms leaving a long trail of blood against his arms that he touched my sweet y/n with. Then I started to tear his hair out fast yet slow enough for pain to overflow his system. He tried moving doing anything but no avail. He could only scream and slowly move around. He's to loud. I made his lips into a duck face then cut them out so they couldn't hear his screams as much, but they would of a fountain of blood. He was almost dead but little life held on. I carved out his eyes doing it slowly as possible to get that last breath as a scream for help. He came here to murder but got murdered.
     Y/n's pov.
W-what do I do!? He saved me yet killed him! I just kept backing up until I got this tree. I-I don't even know if I have enough strength to run. All I can do is feel the tears fall down my face, the large slice of my skin where I got stabbed, and the smell of fresh blood. "Y/n." Berwald said turning to me covered in blood. " Y-yes! " I managed to say. "Your hurt." He said calmly taking off his jacket and ripping the sleeve off and making it into a bandage. "Nothings broken. Just needs time to heal." He said picking me up bridal style and walking off back to the house. "Animals will eat the body. The river will wash the blood." He said looking forward . All I managed was a nod. "Jag älskar dig." ( I love you.) W-what do I say! I mean he's hot! But he just killed someone! That tryed to kill me...and he could kill me if I say no. "I-i love you too.." I said hiding my face with my hair so he couldn't see the waterfalls of years going down my face. He smiled, "good. Your m'wife now." Wait what!
~~~time skip~~~
What did I get myself into....oh well I mean he's careing...maybe to much but do i love him? He says that he will kill more people if it means that he was the only one I love. How carefully he would kill them leaving no trace of there life. He kills all these people just for my love. "Y/n are you ok?" As he said that I felt berwalds head on my shoulder move to see me better as his hands around my waist get tighter. God this is the same thing with Mathias... "No everything's ok! Just lost in thought."
    Will he kill me too? Am I really in love with a killer?

     Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    They are mine not for you
   By chance you take my place I'll take my fist and smash your face

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