2p!England x reader "Hello love"

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"Oh just kill me now." I sighed under my breath looking down at my four binders full of homework and essays to write. As I started to walk faster along the brick sidewalk not paying any sort of mind to my surroundings only the books in front of me a overwhelmly smell of sweets hit my nose making my stomach growl like a tiger. "Well I did skip breakfast to get to my class on time." I mumbled remembering waking up 10 minutes late to my college english class. I was studying to become a english professor, but it's what my parents want. Looking up slightly I see a white sign with pink lettering on it saying 'Ollie's Cupcakes.' The outside of the store has a small white table with a rose upon it with two small white chairs were a Mother and Daughter sit two red cupcakes in hand smiling and eating them quickly. "Must be new." I said to myself not remembering seeing this two weeks ago. Why not get something this place looks cute.

            Walking through the front door little chimes go off making a somewhat obnoxious noise. Once inside I can't help but smile at the smell of all the cupcakes and herbal tea inside. The walls where white with pink trim all around the side. A light wood color goes against the floor with the same white table and chairs from  outside. In a corner there is a little reading nook with a bookcase and leather chairs surrounding a coffee table. "Ah hello love! Welcome, how can I help you?" A cheery man walked out from the kitchen cleaning off his freckled hands on his apron. He has strawberry blonde hair with bright blue eyes and freckles covering every inch. With the apron there's a white button up and a light pink vest with a blue bowtie to match his eyes and hair. Oo he has a british accent as well from his voice. "Love? Are you ok?" The man spoke again snapping his fingers trying to get me out of my train of thought. "Ah yeah! Sorry about that um." Looking at the cupcakes in front of me trying to figure which one to get as quickly as I can. "I'll take a marble cupcake with a earl grey tea please." I said pointing at a marble cupcake with chocolate frosting swirl on top with a chocolate truffle. "Lovely choice poppet! I'm Oliver Kirkland but you can call me Ollie. What's your name might I ask?" Oliver or Ollie said starting to make the tea. So he must run this shop then i'm guessing by the name, he's quite lively. "Y/n. Y/n Y/ln." I said before I realised I just gave a complete stranger my last name. "Nice to meet you Y/n! I'll take it your going to (Your University) ?" Oliver asked pointing towards my University sweatshirt I had on as well as all my books. "Yeah i'm going for English Professor. Though i'd rather be going for graphic design and media arts." I said looking down at the marble counter pushing my falling books up to keep a hold on them.

        Oliver put down the cupcake and tea in front of me a huge smile on his face. "Alright it is $6.45." "Ok just give me a second." I said trailing off balancing the falling books onto one arm and reaching into my tan purse for my wallet. Ah here it is, pulling out a ten dollar bill. "Keep the change." I said passing the money over and going for the tea and cupcake stacking it onto my books. Please don't fall, please cupcake. "Do you need a hand?" Oliver asked looking over at my slowly turning form. "No I got this!" Determined to walk forward and not drop anything. "Move it short stack."

          Seeing a large man walk towards me I quickly swerved to my right doing a ungraceful twirl tripping over my own feet. No! Why! Seeing the cupcake fly forwards along with my white binders slowly opening with some loose papers, the tea cover top still in place saving my tea. Bracing myself for impact I hit the wood floor shutting my eyes feeling the pain hit my shoulder first and move along the rest of my body. "Poppet! Are you ok?" Oliver said with a worried tone running around the counter to help me up. "Yeah i'm fine." Looking over at the cupcake seeing it landed on one of my papers safe from harm. "The cupcakes fine to so it's good!" I said reaching over picking up the once perfect cupcake and cleaning off the frosting on my old project layout.

           "Excuse me sir that wasn't very gentleman like to knock her over." Oliver said standing up bringing me with him. "This is my store and you will give her a proper apology." He was looking him dead in the eye and eyeing him like a hawk. Although he was a bit shorter than him Oliver still looked intimidating a sort of anger swirling in his eyes like the cupcakes. "It's fine really everything is alright." I said looking towards my food. They didn't even acknowledge that I spoke justcontinued to glare at each other. Am I invisible here! "Listen I don't care about this **** I just want to get a cupcake for my girlfriend and leave." The man finally spoke taking his eyes away and looking at the red haired girl outside with a white tank top on and shorts with a full face of makeup. "Which  one is that? I've seen you in here with 4 different girls all claiming that there your girlfriend." Oliver said smiling looking at him clearly enjoying the mans reddened face. "Why you little! You have no right to say that and you better keep you little mouth shut!" The man boomed slapping Oliver right across the face just in time to hear those doors wind chimes to be opened. "Ollie!" I shouted reaching my hand over to see if any marks were left on his freckled face. "As you said,'Im ok' love." "Matt! Why did you hit him!" The 'girlfriend' said pure shock written on her face also seeing if Oliver was ok. Now with her closer I could see she had blonde highlights in her hair was with a dazzling pair of matching green eyes. Along with the tank top there was a catholic cross around her neck which one hand was gripping. "You can't just do that!" She screamed in his face the other customers looking horrified or amused by the show in front of them. "I'm so sorry." She said looking sweetly into Olivers eyes. "Were leaving." They stated coldly wrapping her hand around his wrist dragging him though the front door and out of sight.

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