Romania x Pregnant reader

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It's a little short but it's very cute in my opinion.

"Y/n I'm home!" You heard Romania call out from downstairs. "I have a surprise!"

"It better be my fucking pickles and peanut butter or else I'm pulling his fangs out." You mumbled, rubbing your stomach. You were about 7th months along and boy were you tired.

"dragă (sweetheart) are you in here?" Romania said opening up the door to our bedroom. He paused for a second then started to laugh. Probably taking in the fact that I've barely moved all day and haven't even brushed my hair yet. "Looks like someone's been sleeping all day!"

"Shut up your not carrying around another person." I said moving to sit up in the bed crossing my arms.

"I may not be but I've carried you around many times when you fall asleep on the couch." He said, smiling and moving to sit next to me.

"Fine you have but it's not for nine months straight. Now did you buy the pickles and peanut butter?" You said tilting your head to the side and giving puppy dog eyes. His face immediately went pale. "You did get them right dragă?"

His laugh turned into a nervous one real fast. "I- I may have forgotten the peanut butter. Te rog nu mă ucide (please don't kill me)." He mumbled looking like a deer in headlights.

"Well if you don't get them by midnight," I wrapped my arms around him "I'll take your magic books and turn you into a snail and send you off to frances restaurants." You said, smiling at him who's face kept getting paler and paler.

"O-of course I'll get it dragă! I wouldn't want you to be upset!" Romania said pushing loose strands of hair out of your face.

"Hm that's what I thought now you had a surprise?"

"Ah! Yes I do!" Romania said, sparking up. Romania backed up a bit and held up his hands holding nothing. He then started to move his hands in weird shapes until he closed his hands. He opened them quickly and in a bright light (favorite flowers) appeared in full bloom with a bag of candy tied to the bottom of the bouquet.

"Vlad these are gorgeous." You said taking the flowers and the candy.

"Just like you dragă." Romania said, giving a toothy smile and picking up a piece of candy and biting into half of it moving closer to you.

"Nope you're not getting anything until I get my peanut butter." You said smiling while eating a piece of candy from the bag. You looked at him to see him giving you huge puppy eyes. "Not happening Vlad." You said turning away from him.

"Fine you win dragă I'll go get the peanut butter now but I better get a lot of kisses when I get back!" Vlad said sneaking in a kiss on my check before leaning down and placing a light kiss on the top of your stomach. "I love you dragă and my soon to be little princess." Romania said smiling ear to ear.

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