Chapter 1

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Last thing that happened:
That was all I could read until a man with blonde brown ish hair walked in. He's wearing a red flannel shirt and a pair of black ripped jeans. He looks like a punk rocker.
He sat down in one of the chairs in front of me.

"Hello, Michael. You're early"


Michael looked at me. Straight in the eyes. He has green, brown ish eyes. If you read him through his eyes, I would say that his eyes are dead, no emotion at all. This is a man who doesn't give a fuck about other people.
I looked down at his file again to so what my case is.

"Mission: Diagnose him"

Well it can't be that hard?

"I am Doctor Cooper, and I'm going to diagnose you. If that's okay?" I looked him straight in his eyes. I didn't notice before but his eyes are really beautiful, or maybe it's just the lights?
"Yes" he said with an Australian accent. What's up with everyone talking Australian these days. Wouldn't surprise me if I met one more this week.
"So, I'm going to start asking you some questions, if that's okay with you?" I asked him. He nodded and looked out of the window.
"How many people did you murder?" He looked at me with a confused gaze. "Isn't that in my file?" He looked down in his papers. "Yes it is, but I want to hear you say it" I said and gave him a small smile. "Five people"He said with no emotion, no clue if he feels pity for the people he murdered. Normal people would be scared of being in the same room as a murder, but surprisingly I'm not. Something about this man tells me he wouldn't hurt a fly, but he did kill five people.

"Why did you kill them?" I looked him straight in his eyes. "I wanted to and I was bored" He said with a low voice on bored. NOTHING! No emotions at all in his eyes! This is going to be harder then I thought. He started to laugh. I titled my head and looked at him with a confused gaze. "What's so funny?" I asked him. "I just thought of their faces when I killed them" he's laughing so hard right now that it would surprise me if he died. But from no where he stoped his laughter and just stared at me with no emotions. Am I dealing with a psycho?

"If I can ask, who did you kill?" I asked him. He putted one of his finger on his lips and hushed. "That's my secret" he said and smiled still no emotions.

"Have you always lived here in San Francisco?" He looked out of the window again. "No, I lived in Sydney all my life. I moved here last year" He said. "You sat in jail in Australia?" I looked him straight in the eyes. He nodded.

"Have you always been emotion less?" I asked him. "No" He said fast. "When did it all start?"
He looked back at me.

"I woke up one day with no feelings at all. I was like a new person." He looked out of the window again. "What year was it?" I asked him.
"Let me think. I've lived here one year, I was in prison two years. So it must be 2013."He said.

"I'm sorry but your time is over" I said. "If anything happens emotionally, call me okay?" I gave him one of my cards. He said thank you and walked out of the door.

"What a man" I whispered.

I grabbed my stuff and left the building. I walked over to my car and started it. Numb by Linkin Park started playing. I sang along in the chorus. My thoughts are exploding in my head. Everything between cows and world war. Then I remembered that it's my birthday in three days. My mood sank. I felt a tear roll down from my right eye. I quickly wiped it away with my thumb.

Later that night

I grabbed my toothbrush with a feeling someone is watching me. No no no, I can't go back. No no no. I looked behind me in the mirror, then I looked out in the dark corridor. I could swear someone is standing there standing and watching me. Every single moment I make. I felt it, one gaze watching me from my bathroom window and one gaze from the end of the dark corridor. I dropped down on the cold stone bathroom floor and kinda crawled on my bum to the wall. I grabbed my knees and felt my tears streaming down my cheeks. With a burning throat I screamed with full power, "Go away!". I felt the gazes go away.

unknown perspective

She grabbed her green toothbrush. She froze, just looking terrified in the mirror at her self. She turned her beautiful pale face in my direction. I froze on my spot begging to God she wont see me. She stares at me, without knowing someone is actually staring back at her. She could obviously feel something watching her, but she's not sure. She dropped down on the floor and crawled to the bathroom wall. She grabbed her knees. She's crying very violently into her knees. "Go away!" Sophie screamed with full power. Almost like we brought up some bad memory. I walked away. Very quiet so the floor wouldn't make a sound. Thank God she forgot to lock the door. I opened the dark wooden door very silent. Sophie is still crying in the bathroom, so I quickly walked out and closed the door.

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