Chapter 16

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Sophie's perspective

I grabbed a long beach dress with blue and white stripes. I putted my hair up in a messy bun. My gaze met my own. My brother and Michael saw me naked. I felt my cheeks burn up of the thought. Someone knocked on my bedroom door. I opened the white wooden door.

"Here's your coffee" Michael said and gave me a cup of coffee. I smiled at him as a 'thank you'. We stood there in silence for a while.
"Sit" I couldn't believe what I just said. "Ehm..where?" Michael asked and looked at me with a confused gaze. He can show emotion.
That's a good question. I quickly pointed at my bed, what am I doing? I stepped aside so he could walk in. He sat down at my grey bed, with a few stuffed animals on. I don't know why I have them. I guess they just make me feel safe. Whenever I'm scared or feel alone I just hug one or more.
"Tell me everything" I said with a confident voice and sat down like a child in front of him. "If you're going to act like a child, take this" He handed me one of my stuffed animals, my white sheep. I've had that one since I was born, I think.
He started to tell me everything.



I was stunned for what he just told me. "T-t-there's v-vampires?" I stuttered. Michael just nodded. "And there's d..d-demons?" I stuttered once again. "Yes" He said and rolled his eyes a bit. I looked at him in shock. "You can.." Michael cut me off the sentence. "Yes!" He screamed annoyed and reached his arms in the air, looking up at the roof. "Okay..." I said quiet and walked slowly to the kitchen. I can't look at the two boys in the kitchen normally again. I suddenly felt angry at Ash. That motherfucker left me alone!

"You fucking brat! You could have gotten yourself killed! You fucking left me all alone! You're so fucking stupid!" I yelled at him throwing my hands around in the room.
I heard Mikey laugh a little. I turned around and to face Mikey. He immediately got quiet and actually looked scared when I looked right into his eyes. "Sorry" I heard Ash say with guilt. "Sorry? SORRY!? Are you out of your mind?! You've could have died! Do you know that, that would practically have killed me too!" I yelled at Ash. Wow I sound like mom. Every time me and Ash did something dangerous she yelled at us exactly like this.
"I know, I know! But I couldn't just have the killer too our parents get away!" I yelled back. I got quiet and just stared at him with a very pissed off gaze. "Plus I didn't leave you ALL ALONE!" Ash added. I'm still mad but my gaze calmed down a bit.
"What do you mean?" I said with a clearly annoyed tone. "He didn't tell you?" A surprised Mikey asked me. "No?" I said.
"Tell me what?" I asked them with a confused tone. Ash took a deep breath and opened his mouth to say something but someone else started to talk, Michael.
"After Willy died your mother asked me to watch over you guys, protect. If you don't remember I was the one taking you three somewhere safe. One day he came back and killed your mom. I didn't notice him because I was watching you" he looked me straight in the eyes. I got shivers down my spine. "You what?" I asked him shocked.
"Michael there's more to the story feel pleased to tell her" Ash said clearly didn't want to say it himself.
"I took you two to the police" it was him. "I told Ashton everything, actually I don't know why I just thought it was the right thing to do. I didn't tell you because you where to young for it. When you got older Ashton didn't want to tell you because he wanted you to stay out of it. The day he decided to hunt that creature down he obeyed me to protect you. You rebelled against me all the time and I just couldn't stand it so I took you too a witch that helped me erase me out of your mind. So I kept with just watching you, and I've done that all the time since just a couple of weeks ago." He said with no emotion. I realized my jaw is laying on the wood floor.
After a couple of minutes of silence for my brain to manage everything I finally could talk. "You watched me?" I asked Michael. He nodded.
"Guys let's just talk about something else!" Ash screamed changing the mood in the room. "Like what?" I snapped at him. "Ehm.... I think I have finally found your parents vampire killer" he said with happiness and excitement.
"How do you know?" Mikey asked him and leaned forward. Mikey's tone was different, he sounds serious like a mom that just found out her kid failed a test.
"Know what?" Ash asked him back.
"That it's a vampire" Michael said. He is giving Ash a really weird gaze.
"Oh.... I saw his eyes" Ash said and took a sip from his cup.
"What do you mean with that?" I asked him. "You didn't explain that to her?" Ash said angry at Michael. "No, I only told her the important stuff" Michael said calmed. Right now I am so confused.
"It is important!" Ash spits at Michael. "Fine I'll tell her now then" Michael said and rolled his eyes.
"If someone's eyes are pitch black, the whole eye, it's a vampire. If someone has a red iris and everything else is pitch black, that is a demon"
"Good to know" I said and walked to my balcony. A cold breeze touched my body, causing my hair to fly. I felt a tear on my cheek. I guess my body don't know how to react, my soul doesn't know either. How are you supposed to react? One good thing is that I'm not paranoid. One of the bad things is that I don't know what I'm going to do with Calum.
I stood there for a while looking at the ocean, thinking. Suddenly I felt two muscular arms wrap around me. My heart stopped and I froze. The two arms pulled back.
"Sorry" a voice said. That voice belongs to Michael. I'm surprised by his act. "Why did you hug me?" I asked him still looking at the ocean.

"Because I wanted to"

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