Intro. 2

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These two days I've worked here has been so much fun! In these two days my friendship with Calum has grown stronger. We eat lunch together, it always just ends up with us choking on our food. One day someone will die.  As long as I've worked here I love this job! Everyone is so nice to me!

I checked who my next patient is. I have a new today.

"Louise Ronja Ox, 14
Born: 2003, January 20
Your problem: bullied, probably depressed, self harm
For how long: I've been bullied almost all my life, self harmed since I was 12
Why do you need help: I don't think I'll live so much longer "

Typical teenager depression, if she has it. My heart always break a little every time I read about young people.

She has her time with me 3pm. I looked over at the clock to see what time it is, 1pm. I decided to do some paperwork.  I logged into my computer and started.
After thirty minutes I was already done with everything. What the fuck am I going to do now?
I grabbed my phone and walked my way to Cal.
He's playing on his phone.  "Mr. Hood!" I yelled and laughed. He looked up from his phone and smiled at me. "Hello doctor!" He yelled back at me. We're both laughing now. After we calmed down we talked about everything until I had to go.

"Okay Sophie, everything is going to go great" I thought to myself. I took a deep breath and walked into my office. A girl with long red curly hair sat in one of my chairs. She had a black hoodie and a pair of normal black jeans. She looked at me, she looks scared.
"Hello, I'm Doctor Cooper but call me Sophie." I said and smiled at her. Her eyes looks terrified and her left foot is having a party. "No need to be afraid of me. It's okay being nervous, okay?" She nodded, still shaking her foot. "Count to ten and take a deep breath"
She did as I told her and immediately calmed down.
I looked through her file once more.

"So, Louise, everything you say in here stays with me even in my grave. I promise you I won't tell a soul. I understand if you don't trust me, you don't have to. So what do you want to start with?" I asked her. She looked down at her shoes.
"It's okay, let it all out" I gave her a smile.
Her clear blue eyes looked up at me.

"Ehm....bullying" she said quietly. Poor girl.

"Okay, but first I need to ask you one question." I said, she nodded.  "Does your parents know you're here?" She looked down at the floor with shame in her eyes. "Okay. So when did you start getting bullied?" I asked her.
And my work began.


I wrote down everything she said to me.
Bullied since first grade
Because of her hair and freckles
Just words in the beginning
"Someone call 911 there's a fire free"
"Red head"
7th grade more violent
More aggressive words
"Kill yourself"
"Nobody likes you"
"You suck"

We decided we where going to meet at the same time next week. We're having to talk a little about her bullying, like what happened in school. And then we're going to talk more about her self harm and depression. She went home a few minutes ago. God I wish she doesn't kill her self.
I heard a few knocks on the door. I walked over and opened.

Cal hands me a file that says Michael Gordon Clifford. I gave him a confused gaze.
Why is this file so special?

"This is your first criminal! He's going to be here in 10 so hurry!" He said and walked away. I hurried over to my desk and opened the file.

"Michael Gordon Clifford, 21, criminal
Jail: 2 years
What for: Murder
Currently in jail: no, free man
Born: November 20, 1995
Lives: San Francisco"

That was all I could read until a man with blonde brown ish hair walked in. He's wearing a red flannel shirt and a pair of black ripped jeans. He looks like a punk rocker.
He sat down in one of the chairs in front of me.

"Hello, Michael. You're early"

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