Chapter 17

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"Because I wanted to" Michael said showing no emotion in his voice. "You wanted to?" I asked him surprised. I never realized how beautiful the sea is. The water is shimmering when the sun hits it. It is fascinating. Sometimes you can see birds flying in the horizon.
"Yes" he said. Okay he just hugged me like that. "Why?" I turned around to face him.
His eyes are watching me. I don't know why but I like it when he watches me. Of course I didn't know it was him and it almost turned me suicidal a few times, but now when I know it wasn't my mind creating it, I feel safe, like nothing can hurt me. He looks at me with such a passion, almost obsessive.
"Every time I cried when I was a kid, my mom always used to hug me like that" he said and took away my tears with his thumb. I felt my cheeks turn red. I looked down at our feet. Mine and his feet is in a odd position. It's not feet to feet. It's first his right foot then my left, then his left then my right. Michaels shoes has a few blood marks on them. I imagined him killing someone.
His hand is on my cheek. It's weird his body temperature is not cold, but it's not blood warm. When he told me that he is a vampire I thought he was going to be ice cold. He has no body temperature. It's really hard to explain. I looked up in his eyes, he is still watching me.
We stared into each other's eyes for a while, then I leaned in. We slowly shut our eyelids.
When our lips almost touched I remembered that I have a boyfriend, so I pulled away as quickly as I leaned in. "S-sorry" I stuttered and walked stunned back into the apartment. I need to break up with Calum. I walked out to the kitchen. Mikey and Ash are still talking. Never mind they're arguing about something.
"They do exist!" Mikey screamed at Ash. "They do not!" Ash yelled back. They noticed me and immediately stoped arguing. "What's up?" Ash asked me.
"I need to ask Mikey something" I said and turned my gaze to Mikey. "S'up?" Mikey said. "I have to break up with Calum?" I asked him trying not to crack my voice. "Well yeah. I see two futures one where you die because you're still together with him and the other one you live but you're tog-" Ash cut him off " You have to break up with him. I can't lose another one" he said with a sad tone. "Hey, I was talking!" Mikey yelled. Ash gave him a death glare. "Oh....right" Mikey said and leaned back in the chair. Did they just communicate through their eyes?
I need to do this now. I'm going to break up with Calum. I am going to break up with Cal, Calum. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand. I clicked on me and Calum's messages.

Me: Hey Calum. I'm sorry but I can't be in a relationship with you right now. I'm sorry but it's over.

I took a deep breath and clicked on send. I feel numb.

"Yo Sophie! We have to go! Luke needs us!" Mikey screamed from the hall. I snapped back to reality and stopped staring at the wall. I started to walk to the hall way. "Bye brother, see you around?" I said as I hugged him. He looked at me and smiled. "Definitely" he turned around and started to walked down the stairs but he stopped, almost making Mikey and Michael trip. "We can't leave you alone! What if he comes back?" He looked at Mikey.

"I can stay. You go and take care of Luke" Michael said and started to make his way over to me. He gave me a small smile. "But Luke hates me!" Mikey protested. "We have Gerard" Ash said and started to walk down the stone stairs. Mikey looked at me with a horrified look. It made me giggle. Mikey followed Ash and me I closed the door. I took up my phone from my back pocket to see if Calum had answered me. He have read it.

Me: Hey Calum. I'm sorry but I can't be in a relationship with you right now. I'm sorry but it's over.
read 17.37

I placed it at a small white table I have in my hallway. I can feel Michael gaze burning in my back. I ignored it and walked into the living room. I sat down and leaned back in my coach. I closed my eyelids and tried to relax, but of course Michael had to interrupt my peace.
"What!" I glared at him with a angry look. "Sorry, but I think you have to quit your job" Michael sassed at his sorry. I felt my body bubbling up of anger. "I can't quit my job! Where the fuck should I live! I can't live on the fucking street!" I yelled at him. It looks like he's thinking. He was quiet for a while then he finally opened his mouth. "You can live with me" he said and looked down on his black leather boots. Should I quit my job? I don't know. "But why?" I asked him with a calmer voice but still a little irritated. He didn't answer at first. What's up with him today. "I'm afraid that he will kill you"he almost mumbled. Why is he afraid? He don't know me. Never mind he do know me. He have watched me in over ten years. Ten fucking years! I don't understand how. I guess he is a guy you can trust with promises.
"Please...It will crush Ashton also if you died" he sounds sad, which kinda broke my heart. "Fine!" I said and walked over to my phone in the hallway. I clicked on my contacts and search for my boss, Helen. I found something odd. Five new names that's not supposed to be there. My brother, Michael, Mikey, someone Luke and some dudes name is Gerard. I guess Luke is the demon also the one they had to help, but Gerard?
Then I remembered what Ash said to Mikey before. "We have Gerard"
I'll ask Michael later. "He is Mikey's brother" Michael said from the living room. I jumped. How did he know? "I can read minds remember?" Michael said answering my thoughts. "Oh right...Hi!" I thought. "Hi!"'he said with a really adorable voice. I giggled, and a smile stuck on my lips. Then Michael said something I couldn't hear. Well I'm doing this now or never. I clicked on my boss name and called her.
I had to wait a few seconds to get an answer, but then finally she answered.

"Hello Sophie!" She said on the other side of the phone line.
"Hey! I'm sorry but I have to fire myself" I said. My soul feels sad. Boy I am going to miss this work.
"Oh no! Why? Did someone try to kill you?" She joked but she seems sad. If she only knew. I heard Michael laugh in the other room.
"No no. It's just that I'm going to move to.....New York" I lied. I'm a terrible liar. Always been, always will be.
"I'm sorry to hear, dear! Well I hope you have a great time in New York! And we're going to miss you!" She said. I could feel her warm good bye hug. Wow I am going to miss this.
"Before I hang up can you do me a favor?" I asked her, holding back my tears.
"Can you say good bye from me to everyone?" I asked her. I'm so close to tears right now.
I could feel Michaels gaze burning in my neck.
"Of course! Well good bye Sophie!"
"Good bye, Helen" I hung up the call and held back my tears. As I turned around I saw Michael standing really close. It's like 1mm between our noses. I stared into his actually beautiful eyes. He looked at my lips. I know he wants to kiss me. I pushed him aside and walked into the kitchen. I stopped.
I turned around and almost rushed my way over to Michael. I crashed my lips on his. He kissed me back. Our lips are moving in sync. I welcomed his tongue in, in my mouth. It went from sweet kissing to intense make out. I then pulled away to breathe. We're standing with our foreheads on each other. "Wow....what was that for?" He asked me stunned.
"Because I wanted to" I said and smirked. He grabbed my face between his hands and kissed me again.

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