Intro. 1

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"Today is the day!" I thought to myself. I just graduated school. I am now a psychologist! I've dreamed about this day since I was twelve. I'm going to work at a hospital for people who struggles with themselves. Basically my work is to diagnose my patients.

I grabbed my black leather jacket and walked to my car.

I own a very cheap old Volvo, because yeah I don't have the best economy at this moment. It's pretty normal at my age. I'm 20, turning 21 next week. August 21 to be exact.

I started my car, and connected my phone into the car radio. 'Dark Necessities' by Red Hot Chilli Peppers, started playing.


"Ehm, hello?" I'm standing at an empty reception. A boy who looked he's in my age, jumped up from nowhere, which scared me. I jumped back at least one meter. "Sorry about that" he said and rubbed his black short hair with his left hand. He looks like he's Asian, but I'm pretty sure I'm wrong.

"So what can I help with?" He sounds Australian, told you I was wrong. "Eh...It's my first day at work" I said nervously. "Calm down. What's your job?" he asked and looked pretty curious. I looked him straight in the eyes. "Psychologist" I said and smiled. "So you're Doctor Cooper" He searched for I guess my file with patients. He putted a brown file in front of us. It said Doctor Cooper, patients  on the front.

"So in here all your patients are. Everything about them! Well not everything, just what they answered in the form. If you ever get a criminal as a patient, you get literally everything about them." He explained.

"Follow me!" He said and started walking into a hall way. I grabbed my file and walked after him. He stopped in front a door that says Doctor Cooper. I smiled. "Well you know where I am if you ever wonder anything" he said and smiled at me. "Thank you" I said.

"Oh, right! Here's a key that can open almost every door" he handed me a small silver key. I smiled again, all these smiles. "What's your name?" I asked him. "Calum" he said and walked away. Strange.

I locked up the door to my first own office!

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