Charpter 7: Blinded By You

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Whispers in the Dark

Chapter 7: Blinded by Darkness

I find myself staring nervously at the crowded front doors of Sani High.

I ignore the nauseous feeling sinking deeply into the pit of my stomach as I rip my gaze away from the school and onto my Mom's gentle eyes in the rear-view mirror. I choke, "Do I really have to go today?"

She faintly smiles at me. "Yes, of course you do. Nothing bad is going to happen, Miku. After all, Mr. Shion will be there with you."

I spit, "I don't need a babysitter." She doesn't reply, so I stare out of the car window again. Even though it's morning, the sky is dyed with dark grey clouds. It hasn't rained yet, but it's bound to happen sometime today. The shadows that blanket the school make it seem even less appeasing than it is already. A sigh escapes my lips.

As soon as the school bell faintly rings from inside the school, the front doors open and students casually walk in with smiles painted on their faces. A few students laugh along with their friends, a few hold hands smiling warmly at each other.

Through the crowd a blindly small object scurries through them, but none of them seem to pay any mind to it. It's as if it's not there at all to them. I'm about to bite my lip but quickly resist the sudden urge and grit my teeth instead.

Suddenly, the small object pops out of the crowd, but a moment later it jumps back into their tangle of legs.

A sudden urge of hatred stabs into me as I glare into the crowd. No wonder no one's noticing the object - no one else besides me can see the small black cat pouncing around the students feet. The cat that only I can see.

The cat that I once trusted.

"Honey? Are you going to go? You'll be late," I can hear my mother's sweet voice say. I groan, flip my book bag over my shoulder, and get out of the car. I walk slowly towards the large glass doors making sure I'm the last one in so I won't get tangled into the same crowd Mr. Kitty is in.

As soon as I walk into the loud, buzzing building, I ignore the other students and walk straight into the office without a second thought. But as soon as I walk through the doors I wish I never had.

Mr. Shion meets my gaze and faintly smiles at me. "There you are, Miku. I already gave the school your excuse for being absent for a while, so you can go ahead and head to class."

I stiffen the longer I stare at him. Is he really going to be following me from class to class? Just because I'm a simple suspect? I shake my head and immediately bolt out of the office, the detective hot on my heels. Irritated, I walk back outside the school and wait for him to join me.

The sky gave out quicker than I thought. A gentle shower of rain pours down from the dark sky and begins to flood the streets and ditches. I stand under the school's front entrance so I don't get showered on. As soon as Mr. Shion walks out of the front doors to meet me, I snap my harsh gaze to him.

"Do you seriously have to follow me in school? Go take a break or something, I won't let you follow me in a place where it's not even necessary to watch me. There's cameras here anyway," I hiss at the man annoyed.

He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. I begin to wonder how long he has been a detective to be trusted at such a young age. He could even pass as a student here at this high school - but young or not, he has no right to stalk me.

"You're a suspect, you know that -" he starts.

"Do you always stalk those people you suspect of being a murderer? Or am I currently the only one for this case?" I ask, interrupting him. I don't even care if someone is listening to us - the thought of being so distrusted to the point where I have to be followed is, well, irritating.

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