Chapter Thirty-Three

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Meritaten seemed to be getting bigger and bigger by the day. Her stomach was now noticeable and she was often tired easily. She had a much bigger appetite and quite often had unpredictable mood swings. Smenkhkre was following her around like a small dog, although I thought it had more to do with the fact that the Queen was carrying the heir to Egypt's throne, rather than him just being a nice person towards his wife.

I often found myself wondering about my little niece or nephew. What would they be like? What would they look like? Would he or she have big eyes, like Meritaten? Or would they have crocodile eyes, like Smenkhkre?

All I knew was that I would do my absolute best to ensure that I would be an amazing aunt.

All my aunts had died some time go. My grandmother, too. I didn't have many memories of them. Only a couple. I thought one was that my father's sister, my Aunt Isis, was holding me close to her, calling me her little Jewel. As for my grandmother...from what I can remember, she was a formidable women. She was the Queen before my mother and yet she had still seemed to have the same, if not more, authority as my mother with just a single command. The people loved her dearly, I do remember that. She was always kind to her grandchildren, but she was strict. She often bossed around my father, even though he was the Pharaoh. 

But then, of course, one by one, they all just....faded away.

Although I suppose I was lucky, in a way, to have my grandmother with me, even if it were for a short period of time. Many people my age, I knew, were not lucky enough to have known their grandmother or grandfather, although my grandfather had died four years before I was born. But the concept remained.

And now I would be a sort of parental figure in a young child's life. While it would be many months before the child would even be able to say my name, I was sure it would be watching and observing me almost from the day it would be born.

What would the child be named? Akhenaten, maybe after our father, if it were a boy? Or maybe Meritaten, after its mother, for a girl?

The past two years had seemed to go so quickly and yet in the months when Meritaten was pregnant, it seemed as though time itself was taunting me, deliberately going slower so as to frustrate myself.

The Pharaoh's Sed festival was set to take place in exactly two day's time, beginning at the same time as when Aten rises in the morning. Smenkhkre's orders had been for it to occur high on the cliffs, towards the east. Why he wished for that, I had no idea. Perhaps the Pharaoh wanted his people to become closer to Aten, and believed that this was only possible if they were higher up.

As Smenkhkre was not physically fit, he had been spending all his days training and neglecting his kingly duties, leaving Meritaten in control of the day-to-day roles of a Pharaoh. So she, and sometimes with the help of Tutankhaten, would be the one who met with all the nobles and courtiers. It would be she who administered all the punishments of the criminals caught.

And it seemed like that took up almost all of her time. Violence was breaking out all over the city, and people were hurting each other without a second thought. But it wasn't just violence. All kinds of laws my family had created were broken in some form or another. And the strange thing was, every person who was arrested did not seem scared, as they should of. They were about to pay for their crimes with their life and yet they seemed almost...content. Amused, even. The streets had a dead, tense air to it, as if the entire city were bracing itself for something they knew would happen in the future.

Something they knew would happen, but something we did not.

I remember speaking to Kahmose about it. We were resting on the banks of the Nile and I was leaning against his shoulder while he stroked my hair when I bought up the topic.

"Kahmose, what's going on?" I started, staring at the crocodiles basking in the sun on the other side of the river.

"What do you mean?" he replied. "In what context?"

I sat up and looked at him. "What's going on in the city? Why is everyone acting the way they are? What do you know that we don't?"

Kahmose failed to meet my eye. "I don't know what you're talking about. I promise you nothing suspicious is going on."

"You said you did not know what I was referring to and yet you continued to contradict yourself."

Kahmose shook his head wearily and took my hand. "Would I lie to you?"

"I certainly hope not, for if you did lie to me about a matter such as this may result in my death."

He smiled and kissed my lips. "And why would anyone want you dead, beautiful?"

"Because I carry the blood of the man they hate."

He rolled his eyes and leant in for another kiss. I moved away, annoyed. "Kahmose! I am not kidding around. I am being serious! These people are willing to kill anyone affiliated with those they hate, and that includes me!"

Kahmose sighed and took my hand. "I know. I'm sorry. But I promise you, I don't know anything. You know I don't want you dead. I wouldn't be able to live if you weren't here."

Something, however, told me that he wasn't being completely truthful with me.

The odd thing was that nobody else in the palace seemed to sense it. Perhaps it was because they had not been in the city often enough, or that they had been there so often that they had gotten used to the tense feel. But I knew that they were planning something. My thoughts on whether Kahmose was involved or not would have to wait. First, I had to find out what they were planning.

But my priorities were the Sed festival, and keeping my brother happy. Thankfully, because of his extensive training he was undergoing I only saw him at meals and I managed to behave appropriately at those times. Mainly because dozens of courtiers and nobles were often present when we ate.

My studies were becoming neglected. When my parents ruled Egypt, they were something that I had to complete every day; they were a duty of mine. Now, they were becoming something that I only did when I got time. I was busier than ever.

The tailor had made me a new dress for the Sed festival and I had gotten new jewellery as well. City sculptors were kept busy as Smenkhkre wished to unveil brand new artworks, sculptures and statues at his festival. They only had two days to finish them.

The Pharaoh had also ordered a massive banquet to be laid out at the end of the festival. Perhaps he thought that by distracting the civilians with luxuries they normally would not be entitled to, the day would go slower for them, so they would have more time to enjoy the privileges Smenkhkre had provided.

And yet, I had no idea just how fast that day would go.


Hey Guys!!

I swear there are apologies from me in every chapter now. But I feel like I have to apologise. It's been nearly three weeks since I last updated (I think) and this chapter is so short. I'm really sorry.

It's just that the last two chapters are really slow-paced chapters. Nothing really happens in them, which I find really hard to write about. But next chapter will be up quicker, I promise. Next chapter is a big one!!!

But before we get to that - oh. my. goodness. Over 900 reads. You have no idea how it feels to see that. Nearly 1000 reads. I never thought I would get this many reads. Thank you so so so much guys.

Tell me your thoughts in the comments and vote if you love JOTN! Thanks guys!!

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