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Me: Everyone!?

Leo: Hoi! What?! *comes down in a robe*

Me: O_o Where are you coming from?

Leo: Sagi's bathroom.

Me: O////O


Me: Oh...okay! *sweat drops*

Leo: Dirty author!

Me: Anyway, where's everyone else?

All: Here! *appears out of nowhere*

Me: Okay. So, you all may have noticed some strange occurrence happening?

Aries: -_- Gee, I wonder what?

Me: Oh, yeah! Right...your genders...

All: No shit, Sherlock!

Me: 😅 Well, there was some technical difficulties but now it's fixed. You should return to your normal selves by...

All: *turns back to their original genders*

Me: Now.

Sagittarius: Well, now Leo's tight clothes feel baggy.

Leo: You should wear my clothes often. It's cute! ;)

All: Put on some clothes!

Leo: *realises his still in a towel* O//////O Mah, bad! Scuse meh! *rans away*

Scorpio: O_O Well, that was weird.

Me: You think. Now I'm gonna go since everything is bad to normal! *leaves*

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