"I wish..."

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Sorry for the wait. This chapter took a lot of time to write.

(For the story to make sense let's pretend that all the characters are speaking Korean.)

Nayeon's POV

My eyes keep drifting to the clock as I try to listen to the teacher explaining the rules of English grammar. How can a person be this boring? I am usually a good student, and I have A's in all my classes but this one. I just can't pay attention in this class. Just listening to his voice makes me want to doze off into a peaceful sleep.

The bell finally rings, and I hurry to stuff my books in my bag. I am about to dash out of the classroom when I hear the teacher say my name.

"Im Nayeon, I need to speak to you for a moment," says Mr. Choi

I roll my eyes turning around and try to give him a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Choi?" I say

"Miss Im, you are currently failing my class. If you keep going at this rate, you will fail the class at the end of the year, and you know you need this class to graduate."

"I know Mr. Choi. I don't understand anything. English is just not my thing."

"Well, You have to pass anyways which is why I got you a tutor."

"A tutor?"

"Yes, Kim Namjoon can you come here for a second?" he says looking at a blond haired guy in glasses.

The guy approaches us and glances at me before returning his gaze to the teacher.

"Yes, sir?" he says in a deep voice. It suits him.

"Mr. Kim I will like you to tutor Miss Im in English so she can pass the class. Do you think you can do it?" Mr. Choi says.

"Of course sir," Namjoon says

"Well, that's settled then. I'll let you guys alone, get to know each other okay?" Mr. Choi says as he makes his way to the door. We nod. Once he is gone, we both stand awkwardly without looking at each other.

"Umm... hey," I say awkwardly

"Hi," he says looking at me through his glasses. He makes me feel vulnerable.

"Yeah look I am sorry about this; I don't want to be a burden. If you don't want to do it, you don't have to."

"It's alright I don't mind. Plus it helps me practice," Namjoon says smiling a little. OMG, he got dimples. That's so cute. I smile back.

And then it is silent again, but it is not awkward anymore.

"When are you free to study?" I ask breaking the silence

"Tomorrow afternoon at the library if that's okay with you."

"That's cool."

"Good I'll see you tomorrow then," he says making his way to the door.

"Yeah see you tomorrow."

When he leaves I just blankly stare at the now closed door and wonder how come I never saw him in class before? It's probably because I don't pay attention.

After what seems like an eternity I walk out of the class and out of the school building. I walk up to my car and start driving home. I have to hurry up to get everything ready for the sleepover tonight. It's a tradition my friends, and I have. Once a month we all have to spend quality time together out of school. This time we choose to have a sleepover. This is the way we keep our friendship from dying like most friendships in high school.

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