"WHAT?!!...Are you crazy?"

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Dahyun's POV

While Chaejin were having dinner

As I enter my house, I hear the voices of my parents from the living room, and I run upstairs to my room as fast as possible before they can try to talk to me. I close the door of my room with a loud BANG and drop my backpack by the night stand. I throw myself on the bed and sigh loudly. After what seems like forever, I take my phone out of my pocket, and I text Jooheon since I didn't talk to him since this morning.

Hey!! I just got home.

Seen at 9:15 PM

I wait for his reply for 5 minutes... 10 minutes... 15 minutes...20 minutes...Nothing. I know he saw my message. Is he still mad?

Are u mad me?

Seen at 9:35 PM

Is this about the date? I want to go so bad, but u know I can't😭

Seen at 9:36 PM

Come on Joo Joo you don't be mad. You know I love you😘❤️

Seen at 9:36 PM

I wait for him to reply but I lose hope after 10 minutes.

Ok, I see how it is. Guess I'll just leave u alone since u don't love me anymore.

Seen at 9:40 PM

I throw my phone on my bed as I get up to take a shower. The hot water hits my skin, and I let my mind wander. I don't understand why he is getting so mad. We talked about this before when we started dating. I told him that I wouldn't have enough time to spend with him. He said he doesn't care and that it will work out. Plus we've been dating for two years he should be used to this. So why is he getting mad all of the sudden?

I get out of the shower, dry myself up, and brush my teeth. I walk to my closet, and I put on my pajamas. I throw myself back on my bed and check my phone. My eyes widen when I see a text from Jooheon

I love u too

Seen at 10:11 PM

I smile while typing back a response.

I know

Seen at 10:11 PM

I put my phone on the nightstand not bothering to wait for his answer. I turn off the lights and fall asleep the smile never leaving my lips.

The next morning

I wake up to a feminine voice singing in the shower. The big clock in the room reads 12:12 PM. My parents already left for work, so that means I am the only one left in the house with the exception of the maids of course. It takes me a couple of minutes to realize that there is something wrong. If there was nobody else in the house, then who is taking a shower in my room. I hurriedly get out of bed to walk to the bathroom grabbing a lamp on the way. As I get closer, I notice that the voice singing sound familiar. I stop by the door and carefully turn the knob. I see the silhouette of a girl behind the shower curtain. Here it goes. I take deep breaths and push the curtains aside, and I almost drop the lamp I am holding. Staring back at is an identical copy of me. Is as if I am staring at a mirror. For a moment there was silence, and then I hear an ear piercing scream...

A few moments later...

"Thank you for your concern, but I promise you that I am fine," I say to one of the maids in front of my door. She heard the scream and came to check if I was okay.

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