"So...what does pink mean?"

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Sana's POV

"Would that be all?" I ask the girl behind the counter.

"Yes thank you very much" she answers with a smile.

"No problem, have a seat. Your order will be ready in a few minutes." I return the smile. She leaves and I move on to the next person in line.

"Winter miracle" is always super busy on the weekends. I've been working without any break since this morning.

I take the order of the last person in line and happily smile because I can finally get a break.

Not even five minutes later, I hear the bell of the shop chime. I sigh internally and look up to serve the consumer that just came in.

I see two boys walk in. As they get closer, I see that they are Jimin and Taehyung. I stare at them for a while before a voice brings me back to reality.

"Oh, Sana! I didn't know you work here." Jimin exclaims.

"Yeah. I just started last week." I answer while nervously glancing at Taehyung who is not even looking at us.

"Cool." He replies with a smile. "I'll get a bubble tea and a slice of chocolate cake. Taehyung here will get an iced vanilla spice latte and a slice of vanilla cake ."

I type their order in. "To go?" I ask

"Nah we'll stay here" Jimin responds

"Okay. Will that be all?"

"Yeah...". He looks at me hesitantly before asking "...Is Mina okay?"

"Yeah, why?" I ask confused

"Because she didn't come to school for a while and I wanted to make sure she was okay." He says slightly blushing.

"She's fine. She was practicing for a dance competition."

"Oh really? When is it?"

"Tomorrow night" I answer

"Can I come to watch with my friends?"

I laugh "Sure but you really don't need my permission to come. It's a public event."

"Yeah you're right...well thanks anyway," he says embarrassed. Taehyung and him walk to the back of the shop to take a seat.

Taehyung's POV

We walked to the booth at the back of the shop. We take a seat and talk while waiting for our drinks. My eyes keep wondering to the counter where Sana was taking orders from a very picky consumer. She was smiling and acting exactly the same as in school. I guess she isn't faking it. Was I wrong all along?

"What are you looking at?" Jimin asks following the direction of my eyes. He sighs and turns to look at me.

"You should apologize to her"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Sana is a really nice girl and you treated her so badly while all she ever wanted was to be your friend. You keep saying that she is fake but you don't even know her. At least try to talk to her ok? I promise you won't regret it. I bet you two will be great friends"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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