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Long Ago, in the land known as Karneria... There lived A gigantic beast, "The Crimson Wolf". Forever frozen in a chunk of special energy known as "Crimsona". The beast was guarded by powerful knights, known as the "Blood Knights". Each born and taught one thing, guarding the beast for eternity. Every 100 years, the Crimsona leaks off of the beast and flies to the nearest firstborn of any nearby village. When it comes into contact with the firstborn of the family chosen, the child will receive special powers from the Crimsona. Some people feared these children, calling them things like, "Demons of the Society" or "Outcasts from Hell". Most of these children would be taken to the chunk of Crimsona the beast was in and have the Crimsona extracted... Leaving only their dead, lifeless husk of a body. However, Some children grew to be warriors. Although it all came to an end on day, when the war known as "Blood Fang" started.

Every child with Crimsona was killed. However when they did a headcount, they missed one. They sent one soldier to go find the child. The man chosen was Edward Lura, one of the top soldiers. As the others left with the dead bodies of children, Edward searched for this "missing child". He eventually finds a young boy, cold and alone. There was no doubt he was the one, the Crimsona mark was from his body. Right as Edward raised his sword an the child sits cowering in fear, Edward had a flashback of his wife that died in a fire, and his son that was with the mother. The boy he was about to kill looked so much like his old child, he couldn't kill him.

He dropped the sword, the child confused and scared looks at Edward. Edward with tears in his eyes hits the ground with his fists. The child walks over slowly, and gently hugs the man. Edward, surprised as he was hugged the child and said to him, "My boy, what is your name?" The boy looked up and cried, "I have no name...". Edward felt bad for the child, so he said, "Would you like to live with me? I will take care of you, feed you, bathe you, love you." As Edward said these things, the child smiles and hugs him tight. Edward smiled at this young boy and said, "I will name you Arkaine... Do you know what that means in this land?" The boy nodded no, so Edward replied, "It stands for Courage, love, And peace." The boy smiled and hugged Edward saying, "I love you Daddy...." As a tear fell from Edward's face, he replied with, "I love you too... son..." Edward adopted this child, naming him Arkaine, and moved far into Tarteria, a nearby village that knows about the Crimsona, but doesn't fear it. Arkaine lived there for about 16 years, helping the elders with field work, helping people all over the village, and making his father proud and happy. Though he never talked to anyone else his age, for he was nervous around them. His father soon began teaching him how to socialize, all these things happened in his life, while he doesn't know the real danger that lurks in the not too distant future...

Fang of Crimson: The Realm of the Blood KnightsWhere stories live. Discover now