5. Zoo

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I don't tell Liam that he's actually going on the field trip, which at the time seemed like a good idea but now, the morning of it appears I was very wrong.

"I wanna sleep" Liam pouts. "You promised I could stay home" he whines as he hugs his favorite stuffed Lion, Rory, against his chest.

"I did no such thing" I shake my head. "Mommy got off work so I could take you. It's gonna be fun. We're gonna see actual lions, won't that be fun?" I ask as he looks from me to his stuffed animal.

"Okay" he gives as he places Rory on the bed beside him. "Can I wear my lion shirt?" he asks as a smile pulls at my lips.

"Of course kiddo" I smile as I head over to his closet and pull out the shirt and a pair of jeans to match. I throw the clothes onto the bed before leaving the bedroom to go and get ready in my own. I pick out a red cap sleeve t-shirt and a pair of white jeans before walking into my bathroom to get ready. The second I step inside my phone blares making me sigh as I walk back to my room to retrieve it. I see my dad's name flashing on the screen.

"Hey dad what's up?" I ask curiously.

"I see you gave yourself the day off" he laughs lightly. I did the schedule so when I needed off I just granted it to myself.

"Sorry" I laugh, "Liam has a field trip today and I'm taking him."

"Right. The no one drives me but mom thing" he sighs. "Got it."

"I hear your judgement through this phone" I call him out as he sighs.

"Maya I just. You have to get him to do this stuff on his own eventually" he says as I nod.

"I know dad just. Just not today" I reply as I head back to the bathroom. "I'll be back tomorrow. Promise."

"Mhm. This doesn't have anything to do with Josh does it?" he asks as I roll my eyes.

"I'm hanging up now" I say before disconnecting the call. I get dressed and I plug in my curling iron waiting for it to heat up when my phone chimes beside me. I moan in annoyance as I grab it from the counter.

JOSH: Looks like rain. Don't forget an umbrella

"Lovely" I sigh as I unplug the curling iron, there was no point in spending twenty minutes on a hairstyle that would deflate in seconds in the rain. I run a brush through my hair before walking back to my room. I grab a pair of thigh-high boots and head back to Liam's room. "Hey kiddo" I smile as I see him sitting on his bed watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates. "Wear your rain boots" I instruct making him hop off his bed to retrieve them. I leave the room and head to the living room to find our umbrella. I dig it out of the front hall closet at the same time Liam walks in, ready to go.

"Rain" he exclaims as he points outside. "Will the lions come outside if it rains?" he asks worriedly as I hand him his coat.

"Only one way to find out" I smile as I pull on my own jacket. "Ready to go kiddo?"

"Yep" he nods making me smile as I pull open the door and usher him out. When we climb in the car I switch the radio to Radio Disney before pulling out of the driveway and making my way to the zoo. We make it there in a little less than a half hour, beating the bus by five minutes.

"Speed Racer" Josh teases as he climbs off the bus making me roll my eyes.

"Annoyance" I smirk making him chuckle.

"Alright parents and students" he shouts rounding everyone up. There are about twenty-five kids and three parents not including me and of course Josh. "Every parent is going to get a group of five, one being your child and four more kids that I have divided up on these sheets of paper. So" he starts as he holds up the five pieces of paper. "Susan" he says handing the woman her slip, "Matt, Dale, and Maya" he smiles as he hands me mine. "I get the last group. You can do whatever you want, we do ask that parents refrain from spending more than twenty dollars on their group, that's enough for one ride if they want" he explains, "lunch is at noon in the zebra café and the bus leaves at 2:30" he explains. "Have fun everyone" he exclaims as the groups are divided up.

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