3. Park Date

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The rest of the week passes and we finally fall into some sort of routine. Of course I was still seeing Josh everyday which was a little weird but today was Saturday so I got a break. "Mom" Liam exclaims when he walks into the living room from his bedroom where he had been playing cars.

"What's up buddy?" I ask him as I mute the television and look down at him.

"Can we go to the park?" he asks curiously. I glance at the clock, it was two in the afternoon and it was beautiful outside, I guess it wouldn't hurt.

"Sure" I give with a smile as I shut off the television. "Go get on some shoes and we'll head out" I add as he smiles and runs down the hall back to his bedroom to get ready.

I pull out my phone and dial Riley's number while he's gone. "Peaches" she greets me when our phones connect.

"Hey honey" I smile, "wanna go to the park? Liam wants to get out of the house."

"Sounds fun. Can I bring the baby?"

"Of course" I reply as I grab my purse and slip into a pair of flip flops. "See you when you get there" I add happily before we say our goodbyes. Liam rushes back into the room ready to go and I smile.

"To the park we go" I say as I open the door and usher him out. "We're gonna walk today" I inform him, the park wasn't very far from home, maybe five minutes on foot so there was no point in going through the hassle of getting him in the car. I slip my hand in his and we start walking.

"Is Auntie Riley coming with us?" he asks curiously as he looks up at me.

"Mhm" I nod as we cross the street. "So buddy how'd you like your first week of school?"

"It was fun" he smiles happily. "Mr. Matthews is funny" he adds as I nod knowingly.

"He can be" I agree as we walk up to the park. "You gonna go play kiddo?"

"Yep" he exclaims as he lets me go and runs towards the play structure. I sit down at a picnic table where I can see him and relax, leaning against the back of it. The relaxation lasts about ten minutes before suddenly I spy someone in the corner of my eye.

"Stalking isn't a good look" I call Josh out as I turn my head to look at him.

"I'm not stalking" he laughs. "Riles called me" he admits, "she wanted to get together and she decided it may be better in a group setting" he adds. I roll my eyes internally, my best friend could be so transparent sometimes. She wanted him and I to talk, she was a fixer it was what she did, she believed the best of everyone.

"I'd say I'm shocked but I'm not" I admit as he sits down beside me, keeping plenty of space between us.

"She doesn't like it when people fight" Josh says as I nod in agreement.

"She really doesn't" I admit with a sigh as I run my fingers through my hair. I look at the play structure and see Liam going down the slide, I smile before slipping back into my conversation with Josh.

"He's a cute kid" he says motioning to Liam, "he's a good kid too."

"Shocked?" I ask as Josh rolls his eyes.

"Not in the slightest" he smiles, "you're obviously a good mom Maya and I'm sure Dean was an amazing dad."

I bite my lip to hold back my tears as I nod, averting my gaze from his. "He was" I admit in a small voice.

"You still wear your ring" Josh points out as my gaze falls to the small diamond and wedding band gracing my left hand.

"I don't know if I ever won't" I admit, "he was the love of my life."

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