8. Trying

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"If you can't find your tickets then you can't go" I point out, hopping up onto the countertop as Zay looks around the living room looking for his plane tickets. It was Friday morning and Zay had spent almost every night at my place this week but he had to fly back to Texas today and I was less than thrilled about it.

"Maya Penelope Clark give me my tickets" he exclaims in frustration but I shake my head, a smirk pulling at my lips.

"I told you I didn't want you to go" I point out making him roll his eyes.

"And I told you why I'm not staying" he sighs, "there's too much that could go wrong, too many people to run into if I stay here too long" he insists making me moan in frustration.

"Zay you're going to have to talk to Smackle eventually" I argue.

"Don't you have a date to get ready for" he snaps in response making me moan in annoyance as I jump off the counter, pulling open the junk drawer and pulling out his ticket, walking it over to him.

"Here" I give, realizing there was really no point in arguing at this point, "and for the record" I sigh, "it's not a date, we're taking Liam to see a movie."

"Yea, yea" he laughs, taking the ticket from my hand. "I'll be back soon okay, so stop pouting" he adds as he kisses my cheek.

"You're my second best friend, I refuse to stop pouting until you move back here permanently."

"I know what'll happen if I do Maya" he sighs, "I'm gonna end up slipping up or snapping at Smackle or something."

"Okay" I give in, knowing that this was going absolutely nowhere, "but could you at least think about it, for me?" I ask hopefully. He looks at me sadly, pulling me in for a hug.

"I'll think about it okay" he sighs. "But don't get too excited" he adds seriously as he kisses the top of my head.

"Thank you" I smile as we pull apart, running my fingers through my hair. "Liam" I shout making my son appear in the hallway. "Say goodbye to Uncle Zay" I instruct, "he's got a flight to catch."

"Bye Uncle Zay" Liam waves before rushing back to his bedroom making me chuckle as I look at Zay.

"I think that may be the best you're gonna get" I admit as he laughs, nodding in agreement.

"You're probably right" he smiles, grabbing his bag and hoisting it onto his shoulder. "I'll see you soon Maya" he says as he pulls me in for another hug. "And have fun tonight" he adds with a smirk as we pull apart making me roll my eyes playfully as I move to open the door for him.

"You are ridiculous" I laugh. "It's just a movie."

"Remember high school though? Movies were always fun" he smirks as he stands in the doorway.

"And look where that fun got us" I laugh, "I ended up pregnant and you got Smackle pregnant" I point out.

"Whatever" he scoffs playfully. "Regardless have a good time" he smiles before pulling me in for one last hug. "See ya honey nugget" he whispers before letting me go and walking out of the building. I sigh, shutting the door behind him as I hear my phone buzzing on the counter. I go over to grab it trying to fight the smile that pulls at my lips when I see Josh's name.

JOSH: Pick you up at four?

I look up at the clock. It was a little after one which gave me three hours to shower and get me and Liam ready.

MAYA: Sounds good J

I put my phone back down on the counter and head off to my son's room, opening the door and peeking my head in. "Mama's gonna take a shower. If you need anything just knock on my door. Okay buddy?" I ask.

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