36. Birthday Surprises

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"Dammit" I murmur as I stare into the mirror at my reflection. I had decided to wear a dark red dress for Liam's party as it was as close to dressing as Elastagirl as I could get but unfortunately it was a tight fitting dress on my normal figure and at two months pregnant you could notice my bump.

"What's wrong? You look gorgeous" Josh says as he steps out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. I give him an unamused glare. The only people that actually knew about my pregnancy were Dean's family since I felt so guilty keeping it from them but no one else had the slightest clue that we were expecting.

"Is this really how we want to announce our pregnancy?" I ask worriedly, placing my hands over my belly protectively. "The second they see me in this dress they'll all know and I just" I pause, bringing my lip between my teeth. "I remember that I was never really your parent's favorite person and I'm sure they're already upset that we've gotten back together."

"My parents love you" he argues, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "They're pissed at me for knocking up Tiffany though" he chuckles, kissing my neck. "Now she is a person they hate."

"Really?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow at him. He laughs, nodding his head as his lips trail lower to my shoulders where he pulls my sleeves down to expose the skin there.

"Don't seem so excited" he scolds playfully. "And stop worrying so much. You need to start embracing this pregnancy instead of hiding it" he says, removing his lips and resting his chin on my shoulder. "We made a baby together. We created something incredible and our families are going to be happy" he insists.

"And if they're not?" I ask worriedly but he shrugs.

"Then fuck 'em. We deserve to be happy" he smiles, kissing my cheek before releasing his hold on me. "And besides, we can always make Kyle propose to Hannah after our announcement to take the attention off of us" he adds making me laugh as he walks out of the room to get ready for the party.

I shake my head in amusement, taking one last look at myself in the mirror before turning and leaving the room to go check on Liam. I find him in his bedroom watching Incredibles and a sad smile pulls at my lips. I couldn't believe that my little boy was six today, it seemed like just yesterday that I found out I was pregnant, thinking that my world was ending. Little did I know that becoming pregnant was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

"Hey buddy" I greet him, knocking on the door to gain his attention. He looks up at me and a smile tugs at his lips.

"Hi mommy. You look pretty" he compliments making my heart swell as I move to take a seat on his bed beside him. "Do you think you're having a boy or a girl?" he asks then making me quirk an eyebrow at him. I wasn't sure he'd fully grasp the concept of my pregnancy but it seemed he did and the fact that he was happy about it delighted me.

"I don't know. What do you think it is?" I ask, placing my hand over my bump. He seems to think about it for a moment before deciding.

"I think it's a girl" he says, taking me by surprise. Honestly I figured I was probably having a boy and was terrified by the aspect of having a girl but I had to admit there was something about a baby girl that made me equally as excited as nervous.

"Would you like a baby sister?" I ask curiously. He nods.

"It would be cool. I already have a brother" he points out and I nod in understanding while inside I'm screaming over how adorable my son is. I loved that to Liam blood meant nothing. Jackson was Josh's so he was his brother just as the new baby would be his sibling despite it only being technically related to him through me.

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