11. You Love Him

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The next morning I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I moan in annoyance as I reach over to grab it. "Hello" I answer drowsily, wondering who would wake me up so early.

"Did I wake you?" Josh laughs.

"Um yes you woke me up. What do you want? It's early" I complain.

"Babe it's almost noon" he argues making my eyes widen as I sit up and turn my gaze to my clock sitting beside me on the nightstand. 11:43 it reads back.

"Oh" I reply, stunned.

"Yea" he laughs. "I'm sorry. I didn't meant to wake you, I just figured you'd be awake. Considering the five year old that you live with."

"No it's okay" I assure him, "I would think I'd be up too" I add as I climb out of bed. I move towards my door, pulling it open and heading down the hallway to Liam's room. I open his door and find him still fast asleep. I close the door behind me and lean against it. "He's still asleep."

"Really?" Josh asks in an impressed tone of voice. "The fresh air must've tired him out."

"That or our fighting" I sigh as I wander into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.

"Hey don't bring that up. We made up, everything is fine" he says making a smile pull at my lips. "Except for the fact that you got me all riled up last night" he adds causing a blush to rise on my cheeks. "As much as I know it's wrong for me to sleep over I really, really want to" he admits.

"Someday" I smirk making him chuckle. I lean against the counter as I wait for the coffee to finish brewing. "So um are you still coming shopping with us today?" I ask curiously, gnawing my bottom lip as I await his response.

"If you want me to" he replies. "I wasn't sure if you'd still want me to."

"Of course I do" I insist. "Maybe we can swing by your place to pick you up" I suggest.

"If you think Liam would be cool with that. I wouldn't want to freak him out or anything."

"I don't think it would freak him out. We're just picking you up" I shrug. "I mean I'm assuming that eventually we'll hang out over there. This way we're easing him into it."

"Okay" he gives. "As long as you're okay with it. When should I expect you and the kiddo to swing by?"

"Well, I still have to wake him up and we have to eat so I'm guessing in two hours or so."

"Sounds like a plan. Just text me when you're on your way."

"Mkay" I smile. "See you later."

"See ya gorgeous" he replies sweetly before we hang up. I put my phone down and head off down the hall to wake up Liam. I knock on his door and walk inside, moving to take a seat next to him on the bed.

"Hey buddy" I shake him awake. "It's time to get up sleepyhead" I whisper. His eyes flutter open and stare back into mine. "Hi" I smile brightly as I push his hair back out of his eyes.

"Morning mommy" he whispers.

"Sorry I woke you but we have plans with Josh today" I tell him. He looks at me confused.

"Didn't you two break up last night?" he asks. I sigh. Of course he heard us fighting.

"No" I shake my head. "We just had a fight" I explain carefully.

"About daddy?" he asks softly.

"Yes" I nod. "But it's okay. We worked it out" I assure him.

"Why were you fighting about daddy?" he asks persistently. I sigh, shaking my head.

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