14. God, Your Mama, and Me

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November passes at a snail's pace and with my late husband's family constantly on my ass about the upcoming holiday I was beginning to break. I'm at work scrolling through Pinterest looking for a recipe to make to bring to the festivities when the door opens. "I'll be with you in a moment" I reply in a daze as I read a recipe for sweet potatoes. "Take your time gorgeous." My head flicks up and my eyes land on those of my boyfriend of almost three months. His mouth quirks into a smirk as he looks down at me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask in shock as I abandon my task and rise out of my chair to join him in the middle of the room.

"Took a personal day" he shrugs. "You sounded a little worn out on the phone yesterday. Between Liam, the in-laws, and Thanksgiving I thought I could offer a break" he smiles making my heart flutter. This is what made it so easy to fall back in love with the handsome man in front of me. He was so perceptive and caring. He was unlike anyone else and I loved him so much.

"You're incredible" I smile as I reach up to kiss him. "What do you have planned?" I ask curiously, a tinge of excitement in my voice.

"That is for me to know and for you to find out" he replies making me chuckle as I shake my head in amusement.

"Just let me tell my dad I'm leaving" I smile before breaking from his embrace and bursting through the studio doors. My dad was in the middle of shooting a cake smashing when I interrupt. "Hey dad" I peek my head around the corner.

"Yea kid?" he calls back without looking away from the baby and her cake.

"I'm taking off. Do you need me for anything?" This causes him to look back at me intrigued.

"Taking off? Where are you doing? Is it three already?" he asks confused. A blush rises on my cheeks as I shake my head.

"Um actually Josh showed up to take me out for the day. That okay?" I ask hopefully. After my awful attendance in October I had done much better this month, only missing one day when Liam wasn't feeling well. I needed this break and I was praying that my dad would see that.

A smile pulls at his lips as he nods. "Don't get into too much trouble" he smirks making me roll my eyes as I escape back to my boyfriend.

"We good?" he asks hopefully. I smile and nod.

"Let's hit the road."


"Where are we going?" I giggle as he drives off towards the middle of nowhere. "I have a son to pick up in two hours" I add as he shakes his head.

"You actually don't because you see, the person you trust almost as much as yourself is my niece and I have her on speed dial" he smirks, placing one hand on my knee while he drives. I gape at him, a laugh tumbling from my lips.

"You called Riley to ask her to pick up Liam?"

"She didn't mind in the slightest. She misses the kid" he shrugs. "It's seriously fine" he assures me. "Let go a little babe. You need to destress" he insists. He was right. I was wound so tight right now that my knots had knots. I needed to let go and let someone else have some control for a change.

"Okay" I give in as he continues to drive. "But seriously where are we going?" I giggle.

"It's a surprise" he insists as he squeezes my knee. "All you need to worry your gorgeous head about is what radio station we're going to listen to." I smile as I lean forward and find the country station. God, Your Mama, and Me begins playing from the speakers and a smile pulls at my lips as I begin singing every word right along with the radio. I catch Josh staring at me out of the corner of his eye and I smile at him intrigued.

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