Chapter 7

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Small Talk In Small Doses

Today's photography class consisted of a little adventure around the school perimeter, so that students could practice their craft, and use analog cameras.

Mindy loved working with analog photography, it gave her a more artistic perspective on something that was often so technological. The only thing that irked her was not knowing wether or not the photograph would turn out great. The uncertainty of it bothered her, yet excited her at the same time. But as per usual, negative feelings managed to take over and taint any trace of positivity left, so she couldn't help but feel anxious about the unknown results of what she was now capturing.

So many improbability-based-situations. So many.

"There's nothing to photograph here...!" She heard Ethan say, slightly behind her.

She didn't, however, consider that this was directed to her, as she felt that after the crying incident they had an 'unspoken distance pact'.

In fact, that was her intention the entire time: to stay away from him. She knew better than to engage with the Rutherford's, even if Ethan had kept Reid as his last name, he was still one of them.

So why couldn't she look at him the same way she looked at Mason, Axel, Luna... With disgust, hatred, and all those ugly feelings that Mindy didn't dare speak out loud?

There was something warm about him, and it scared Mindy. She had once looked at Luna and seen a kind person too. Which was definitely not the case.

People were always deceiving, and Ethan was no different.

Ethan was  an improbability-based-situation.

"Mindy. I know I didn't exactly ask you anything, but a little small talk wouldn't hurt."

His voice was so soft that she couldn't help but turn around.

"I hate small talk." she muttered, low and small.

"And why is that?"

By now she was already turned around, focusing on adjusting the exposure of her camera, as she said:

"It's stupid. It's superficial, takes you nowhere, means nothing. Creates fake bonds with people that in fact don't care about each other. Appearances, appearances..." 

"But can you imagine a life where we only talked about deep and serious matters? How painful to live in such world, where everything had to had a meaning."

She simply looked at him, uninterested, with an incredulous look on her face.

He continued.

"It's good that some things are meaningless. It makes us appreciate the meaningful things more."

She replied:

"So in reverse, it's only natural that the existence of meaningful things make me appreciate casual small talk less."

"I guess it's a side effect. We live in contradiction ad comparison, after all. There's no good without bad. Antithesis. It all goes down to antithesis."

Mindy couldn't help but think that he appeared to be an antithesis himself. He contradicted the behaviour Mindy was used to seeing in his family, which left her confused and suspicious.

He watched her frame in amusement and repeated:

"Antithesis, antithesis."

To which she turned around abruptly, walking ahead while saying:

"Appearances, appearances."


After talking on the phone with Wynter, about having ditched her and Charlotte the weekend before; and participating maybe a little more than usual in English class - Mindy was pretty much done.

Interaction exhausted her, and having to constantly think about how to act drained her.

She wasn't ready to face Drama class today. There was only so much extraversion an introvert could take in a day. Mindy could only act confident in small doses, and she had reached her limit.

The thought of skipping had crossed her mind, but she couldn't possibly let down Mrs. Sullivan. She owed to her to at least be in class.

Mindy made mistakes. Now she had to own up to them.

With a sigh, she opened the door of the auditorium and chose a seat near the back.

"Ah, Mindy, how nice of you to join us!" Mrs. Sullivan clapped. Mindy simply nodded.

"You'll be pleased to know that today we start doing the outlines of the final production! As you know, each specialized student will contribute to the area they fit in the most. Scenarios will be drawn or captured by photography students. Choreography will be presented by dance students, the soundtrack played live by our very own orchestra. But as always, I expect all of you to be in the drama part of the performance."

Some students groaned, others smiled widely. The truth was, even though Wellington's School of All Arts was, well, for all arts; usually students still felt more comfortable on a particular subject.

Mindy was intending on being part of the photography and dance departments. Maybe she could help a little on the guitar for the final music piece, but Drama was out of question.

There she was, lost in her thoughts, when her phone vibrated in her pocket. This wasn't usual so it had to be important. Mrs. Sullivan excused her.

Now outside, she could see perfectly the number that, although unknown to the cellphone, was very familiar to her.

This number had left her a couple of cold and even threatening messages before. But never had they spoken through an actual call since Mindy had transferred.

She hesitated, before answering. 

An instant voice was heard:

"I'll make it quick for the both of us, I have very simple instructions."

Mindy stayed quiet, submissive almost. Some things never changed.

"I was just yesterday looking through my brother's portfolio, and you won't know what I found. Yes, you guessed right, you. Now, I don't care who my stupid brother chooses to photograph, but I don't want you close to him. He's good-hearted and naive, and god knows you'll corrupt him or turn him against me."

"We're merely acquaintances." she replied weakly.

"Is that so? Well it turns out that very recently, your own fist also tried to get acquainted with Axel's face. That's two brothers out of three, Minerva. You better be careful. You should know by now not to mess with me."

"I'm not trying to, Luna, I swea-"

"You keep this up and soon Mrs. Sullivan will know the real reason she got fired from Dixon High."

"You can't do that without exposing yourself."

"Try me."

After that the call died, and Mindy was left staring at the screen for a moment.

She heard the door of the auditorium creaking open and bouncing back. Out came Caspar, with a worried look on his face.

"That sounded heated."

Mindy only huffed slightly, before they both went back inside.



Hey everyone!

This is my first author's note since the story actually started!

How are you liking it so far? I'm sorry if I don't meet your standards. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts!

I plan on starting to upload regularly

Much love,


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