xv. brotp goals

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sparksfly: Girls morning because Kendall freaked out over Brandon Flynn and 13rw

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sparksfly: Girls morning because Kendall freaked out over Brandon Flynn and 13rw.

[ Tagged : Kendall James, Katie Calvin ]



usera: god, they're the cutest things ever

userb: came here for tara's photoshoot pics, stayed for quality brot3 posts and kendall james in fricken general

userc: Kendall is literally all of us

userd: brotp goals

usere: katie is so just using tara for "fame" why can't she just go away and find her own fame jfc

userf: i love kendall james so darn much

domsherwood: Kendall is the biggest bean I've ever met, even more than any of my cast mates.

userg: i love that dom regularly comments on her pictures now

userh: matthew and kat just liked this!!

useri: i'm surprised there was no hangovers between the three of them


userj: what the hell kat is here

userk: sharks??

userl: sherwood + sparks = sharks userk

harryshumjr: yO THAT'S MINE SHARKS™ IT'S MY SHIP NAME kitkatsmeow

userm: i'm crying over the sh cast on here

usern: what cutes

sparksfly: You guys are the weirdest 😂 kitkatsmeow harryshumjr


sparksfly: And Kendall is gonna text you to fangirl bc you'll put up with it and her in general 😂 domsherwood

userp: the cast ships sharks??¿

userq: WTF I LOVE IT

kennyjames: YOU'RE THE BEST, WE REALLY ARE KEEPING YOU domsherwood

userr: does she think he's a puppy?

flynnagin11: If it helps, the cast and I are fangirling over her in our groupchat!


lowkey love brandon and kendall they're the best they're one example of a healthy relationship!!

manip | pychohale

[ 10.23.17 ]

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