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Per tradition, the picture above is a cover for a draft! Said draft is a Logan Huntzberger fic and will probably be up a long time from now, but it exists.


How's married life?

Pretty amazing, honestly.

What do you hate most about Dom?

His weird British slang for 80% of things.

Who spoils your kids the most?

Out of Dom and me? Probably me. Out of all of our friends and family? 100% Kendall.

I just wanna love you pyt (pretty young thing)

I love you so much, babe.

How do you feel about how far you've come?

I'm so proud of who I've become. I've come a long way from the mess of a teenager who relied on drugs and didn't get enough attention from my mom. Now I'm a mom myself to an amazing daughter and have a wonderful husband and I am so incredibly happy.

You're the cutest thing ever, firstly. Secondly, when did you realize you loved Dom? Like, the specific moment.

You are the sweetest thing ever, I love you so much! And the exact moment I knew I loved Dom? We were on set one day and during their break, he came over to visit with me and gave me a shoulder rub. And when I made a comment about craving


How did Tara convince you to name your baby Jude?

"I just carried her in my womb for nine months and pushed her out of my va jay jay. If I want to name her after Jude Kinkade, you will let me."

Where did you buy the mug? And do they do it as per request or what? I think that's actually a damn nice gift idea, lmao. I'm so random.

I found it on Amazon, actually. It came from a company who makes them, so you can probably get them customized for the occasion!

What's your favorite thing about Tara?

Probably how much love she has in her heart for everyone, from the Friday Night Lights cast to the fans to myself and Jude. She is incredibly loving, despite everything, and I couldn't admire her more for that.

Do you think you'll ever love anyone more than you love Tara?

Only our daughter, Jude.


Are you and Brandon official?

Yes, yes we are!


Are you and Nate finally dating?

Nope. We're engaged. It took him forever to actually ask me to be his girlfriend, but that's okay, because it just means we have a strong foundation to us. And he took a lot less time to actually ask me to marry him because he is kinda smart sometimes.


What is your relationship like with Tara, Dom, and their kids?

A lot better than my relationship was with Tara while she was growing up. We get together at least once a month and do something fun, from Disney trips to picnics. I know a lot more about all three kid's childhoods and them in general, which is nice. And it's nice to be a part of Tara and Dom's lives as well.


Favorite brot3? (fictional or irl)

Irl, you gotta know it's us lit babes. 😉 Or myself, Maddie, and Emilee. And fictional? Probably Katie and Kendall and Tara.

Why do you make me cry all the time?

Because I love it when my writing touches people and that's a good way to actually touch readers. Love you though!!

How are you such a good writer?

I have no idea. Especially since I rarely ever even actually work on my stuff.

How do you come up with ideas?? Like, they're so unique and I love them all.

Honestly, I don't really know. It depends on the book. Like this one was inspired by Brooke Davis from One Tree Hill in a way and then turned into something much more. Falling For You is heavily inspired by my life and how I handle with loss, as well as my love for KJ Apa when I first started Riverdale (I can't believe I've been writing that for so long wow). A lot of my ideas come from me finding another way that I wish I was better and implementing that into a character, then making her love an actor/actress/character that I think deserves much more love.

What are some of your new stories that are recently published and some new ones not yet published?

Let's see, recently published are Nightingale (Kol Mikaelson) and Rewrite the Stars (Zac Efron), while not yet published ones include Crazy About You (KJ Apa, a sequel) and The Theory of You and Me (Joe Keery), as well as Human Error (Raven Reyes) and Lilah (Richard Harmon) and Make You Mine (Ryan Atwood).

alice xoxo

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