xxv. oh my god

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"Taylor? What's up?"

"Hey, so are you alone right now?"

"No, the cast and I are out and about in Toronto. What's going on?"

"I need you to separate from the group for a minute, okay?"

"Will do. I mean, Matt's following me, but it's just him."

"I'm Tara's emergency contact, have been since the day she turned eighteen."


"So imagine my surprise when today, after years of silence and no calls, I get a call from a hospital in New York that they've just admitted her."

"Oh my God. What happened?"

"She got drugged at the party and someone tried to take advantage of her. They didn't succeed, but she still went in to the hospital for the night."

"Oh my God."

"She's kind of okay, but mostly a wreck. And she wanted me to call you and let you know what happened so you didn't think that she had skipped out on you or something."

"What can I do to help?"

"Honestly? I think the best thing for her would be for you to come to New York and be here for her. If I know her at all, I know that she's not going to let me put my life on hold for her, but if you came and were here to help her, I think it would honestly make it easier on her."

"What if I offered to bring her back to Toronto with me? That was she can escape the city and take a break with my cast and myself."

"I am in full support of that. But what about filming? How are you gonna get out of that to come to New York?"

"Oh, shite, I forgot about that. Okay, I'll go to the producers and explain what's going on. I'm sure they'll give me a few days to go and collect her, then bring her back to Toronto with me."

"Just text me when the plans are confirmed and all your flight information so I can arrange a ride for you."

"Sounds good to me."

"Thank you for caring about her enough to do this."

"Thank you for caring about her enough to protect her and care for her like you are now. You are, honestly, the only family she has. Other than Kenny and Katie."

"You're on your way to being more important than all three of us, Brit. So cherish that, okay?"

"Of course. I'd be the luckiest guy in the world if she feels about me the way you're alluding to."

"Yes, you would. And you will be. I gotta go make some more calls, just to my girlfriend and everything, but we'll talk soon, okay?"

"Okay. Give her a kiss on the forehead for me. Even if she's asleep. Bye."

"Will do. Bye."


and that's how you succesfully change the plot of this fricken fic. taylor + dom planned his trip to new york, she wasn't raped, and they both know that tara's feelings for dom are about to develop even farther [because that's what happens when you meet one of your online friends in real life].

[ 11.8.17 ]

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