xxxxviii. finding nemo

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With just two days left of filming, Tara was surprised that she had yet to be pranked by Dom or his cast mates. The cast was known for their ridiculous pranks and she had witnessed quite a few while on set, like Dom scaring Kat quite a few times and stuff like that. They had joked about getting her before shooting the final shot of season two, but she had a feeling they weren't really joking. Not when they shared looks and smirks amongst themselves.

So when she woke up that morning, she prepared herself for the worst. But everything had seemed normal to her, so she got out of bed half an hour later than Dom - who was in the shower - and got dressed. She wasn't in the mood to get all dressed up or anything like that, it was too early in the morning and she'd just end up napping in his trailer once they got to set. She made herself a cup of coffee, since coffee normally didn't do much to keep her awake anyways, and stirred in her normal amount of sugar. When she took a drink, the bitter and salty taste caused her to spit it right back into her cup.

"DOM!" she yelled at him, rolling her eyes and dumping out the coffee.

From the bathroom, she could hear his chuckles. Deciding not to trust anymore of the stuff within their hotel room, she pulled out her phone and settled into the chair. Soon, the shower shut off and she knew it wouldn't be long until he was dressed and ready to go, so she opened a book on her Kindle app and began to read. Minutes later, he exited the bathroom, ready to go. She locked her phone and kissed her, then they were on their way.


The rest of the day followed like that, just small little pranks from everyone. Matt gave her a donut with mayonnaise in it instead of custard, Alberto spreads sour cream on her bagel instead of cream cheese, David gives her tapioca pudding instead of vanilla because he knew her hatred for the texture of tapioca pudding. The girls were much easier going, Emeraude having told her Dom got a black eye while they were training and Alisha informing her that James Lafferty had announced a One Tree Hill revival. Even Harry had been in on it, spaying her with spray cheese when they all gathered in his room for pizza and beer.

That night, in bed, she decided she was going to get all of them back with the help of Kat and Will, since the redhead and the other Brit were the only ones who hadn't pranked her. While laying in bed with Dom, she created a groupchat with the two and asked if they would help her out. Both happily agreed and while Kat would be filming the next day, Will would not be, so each would be serving their own purpose.

Once the prank was planned out, she deleted Dom's thumbprint from the settings and changed her password from her birthday to "7467" so that he couldn't accidentally find the plans and ruin the prank, as she didn't want to delete the texts. As soon as she set her phone down, she wiggled closer to Dom. Without even looking up from his book, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and she settled in, admiring him.

"I really like your glasses," she told him, smiling.

He glanced at her, shutting the book, "I really like your face."

"Awe, shucks," she said, batting her eyelashes at him. "Thank ya, babe."

He laughed before kissing her. She shifted, wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her knees on either side of his hips. The kiss deepened, turning into something neither of them had been expecting that night. His hands roamed her body and her shivers were ones of pleasure, not disgust.

When he rolled them over, though, resting on top of her and shifting his lips to her neck, she shut her eyes to try to block out the flashbacks that hit her. When that didn't work, she opened her eyes and flipped them back over. He pulled away from her skin and looked at her questionably, noting the slight shake of her hands that wasn't there before and the panicked look on her face.

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