Lets be honest

73 9 6

10.01.2017 00:19

Let's be honest
Honest to this world
Honest to the people
Honest to us
The Life in our society is about Money, Power, Fame, grades and your body.
If you are
A nobody
Bad at school
Toi "fat" , too " skinny"
Too " whatever "
You are useless and unimportant to this world.
It makes me sick. I cannot deal with this society
I cannot deal with the pressure.
I cannot deal with it, that I am never enough.
You don't have to be dumb if you have bad grades
You don't have to be poor because you don't work
You don't have a bad looking because you eat the wrong things or do no sports...
Maybe the pressure on our school systhem is too high.
Maybe your father died and your mother never had the opportunity to get a master or she could never finished school.
Maybe you got a disease (mental or physical)

The people on the streets don't see this facts and they don't care. Nobody does. It's easier to lough about others then to help and understand people. Even if you have the same problems  you are one of the watchers next to the victim. You are not the helping hand because you do not want to be excluded.
But life never gets easy
Don't give up
Stay strong, even if people behave like this.
Because your friends/family know which type of person you are
And everybody else... They don't know, so don't care.
But if I had the possibility to change it, I would. I would change the society so they don't care about:
School grades

Then you can wear what you want, try your best and have the same chances and it would be enough

But this is a dream and in our world
Trying your best will never be enough

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